Infection Prevention EMS Patient Shower Checklist Created by EMS and Infection Control staff Daily Cleaning Items: shower curtain rod patient rails patient shower floor For room turnover, clean all daily items and: shower walls shower curtain
Infection Prevention EMS Patient Bathroom Checklist Created by EMS and Infection Control staff Daily Cleaning Items: light fixture mirror hand soap dispenser paper towel dispenser sink shelf picture nurse call button rails toilet For room turnover, clean all daily items and: walls
Daily cleaning items: sink light fixture top of wall closet TV clock walls – spot clean heating unit window sill floor red trash can Infection Prevention EMS Patient Room Checklist Created by EMS and Infection Control staff For room turnover, clean all daily items and: mattress, pillow, footboard and entire frame over-bed tray, including: shelves mirrors area under mirror tracks (that top slides on) base of stand telephone receiver, cord and cradle nurse call button and cord bedside nightstand, including inside drawers and handle grip on each side wall closet, inside and out blood pressure cuff and fixture instrument panel above bed furniture: chairs and foot rests patient guidebook and holder