Will KelleyKari Wolfe Madison Roberts Andrew and Sarah Greenhagen
Since April 2005 Key Leader has served more than 16,400 students at 317 Key Leader events in 39 U.S. states, 5 Canadian provinces, Malaysia, Brazil, Cayman Islands, El Salvador and Singapore.
Who: Students ages They DO NOT have to be in Key Club What: Key Leader is Kiwanis International’s leadership education program for students, primarily in high school Where: East Bay Camp in Hudson, IL When: April 26 th -28 th, 2013 Cost: $200 (-$25 if in Key Club)
WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME? Key Leader is a great experience for everyone. But….what’s in it for the participant? If you haven’t guessed, the memories made last a lifetime. So do the friendships. The lessons and skills obtained at a Key Leader weekend are universally applicable to anywhere else in your life.
WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND KEY LEADER? Colleges are huge fans of seeing leadership programs such as Key Leader on applications. The Illinois Key Leader is located centrally, easily accessible from all parts of the state. Most local Kiwanis Clubs are willing to pay a considerable portion of students’ fees towards Key Leader.
HOW DO I SIGN UP First, go to iikeyclub.org. Then, click on the District Info button.
HOW DO I SIGN UP Next, click on the Key Leader hyperlink.
HOW DO I SIGN UP You will arrive at the Key Leader website. Click on the Find Events tab.
HOW DO I SIGN UP -Now that you are in the Find Events section, it is very easy to navigate through the site and then find the Hudson, IL East Bay Camp icon. -Once here, register for the camp! -After that, be sure to fill out medical release forms, etc. Now you are ready to go to Key Leader!
Mission: The Key Leader mission is to provide a life- changing experience that inspires young people to achieve their personal best through service leadership.
KEYS TO EXCELLENCE Personal Integrity: Doing the right thing Personal Growth: Developing in mind, body, and spirit Respect: Showing consideration for self, others, and property Building Community: Developing relationships to achieve positive goals Pursuit of Excellence: Expecting and achieving the best
Lead Facilitators
Key Leader is meant to push you and those around to be the best leaders you all know you can be!
Through the low ropes course, you and your team have to help find key solutions to tough situations. The teams have to work together with one another in order to help one succeed because not one person can reach the end without help from their team.
Most of all, you will meet the most AMAZING people!
By: Kari Wolfe, Will Kelley and Madison Roberts