Alex Filipowski MA Creative Technology May 2012 Major Project Proposal The University of Salford A 3D Day in the Life of Alan Turing
Website containing information about Alan Turing's life Creation of a 3D virtual game environment
Alan Turing’s story is unique Academic achievements Eccentric traits Prejudice from the government People sworn to secrecy about Turing's heroic efforts in World War II until after his death
Interactive game Original way of telling his story Light-hearted game & playful manner See Turing in a new light Attract a new target audience.
Allow the user to assume the role of Alan Turing and relive his time at Bletchley Park. Travel around the 3D space and interact with the environment and other characters. Character customisation options Experiencing his daily routine (breakfast) Cycling to work Assisting the code breakers (work at Bletchley Park) The cycling portion of the game would allow the user to travel towards a specific location, either Bletchley Park or Turing's home. The interactive segments of the game would take the form of a third-person free-roaming game in which the user can explore an area and interact with objects to complete tasks.
Item Crafting Allow users to follow recipes by combining different items Reward experimentation Created objects can be used to solve puzzles (fix cogs, construct mechanisms) Item Crafting In Minecraft
Item Crafting (continued) Broken Valve + Spanner = Repaired Valve + Spanner Cog Half + Cog Half = Cog Players can construct mechanisms or tools with which to fix the machines at Bletchley Park Egg + Sausage + Bacon = English Breakfast Bread + Cheese + Bread = Cheese Sandwich Mug + Teabag + Hot Water + Milk = Tea Players can follow recipes to make Turing's breakfast (get points based on complexity and a healthy diet)
Turing's Bicycle Would ride excessive distances rather than using an alternative means of transportation; Turing rode 60 miles and slept at an inn overnight just to get to his first day at school Had a habit of regularly adjusting his bicycle rather than pay to have it fixed One of Turing’s key trademarks was his bicycle
3D environment where character utilises a bicycle to travel long distances To Bletchley Park To Turing's Home The player is able to ride a bicycle in Grand Theft Auto
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood The use of digital characters in virtual environments allows the user to be immersed and create a more believable and realistic experience. Turing's Colleagues
Character creation tools in The Sims series of videogames Allow the user to select a variety of clothing options (suit/tie) Choose colours of garments
My project aim is to develop a 3D game which would allow the user to assume the role of Alan Turing and relive his time at Bletchley Park. The user can travel around the 3D space and interact with the environment and other characters. The game would start with some character customisation options and then allow the user to take on Alan Turing's role by cycling to work, experiencing his daily routine and assisting the code breakers.
List of games created in Unity3D - [
Games can be published for use on PCs, smartphones and games consoles. There are several developers who are currently working on first-person shooting games, driving games and role-playing games. There have also been attempts to develop puzzle games and multiplayer games. Unity3D has been used to develop the games Tiger Woods PGA TOUR Online, Battlestar Galactica Online and Rochard
Terrain Toolkit allows for rapid generation of intricate landscapes Tree and bush models can be utilised to generate random patterns of foliage
3D Driving Game engine can be adapted to suit the project's goals Replace car model with bicycle model Adjust physics and gravity Create landscape
Third Person Example can be reworked for use in this project Replace model with Alan Turing User can customise the character's appearance Allow interactions with objects
Hardware Windows PC Software Unity3D – Developing the 3D game environment 3D Studio Max – Developing 3D Models Audacity – Mixing and editing of audio files G.I.M.P. - Editing of image files Avidemux – Editing of video files Web Resources Wordpress website – Place where the game will reside
Project Plan Research Game Storyboard 3D Model Development Creating Game Environment Audio Development Game Development Website Development Finalising Game Gameplay Video Obtain User Feedback Playtesting Aim to finish by September
My intended outcome of this project is to have created a fully interactive 3D game, in which the user is required to relive Alan Turing's life at Bletchley Park. The website will provide additional information about Turing and provide links to more websites which cover the subjects in more detail.
Any Questions?