Johari Window The Johari Window helps us understand how we see ourselves compared to how others see us. SELF Known Unknown Open or Public Arena Blind.


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Presentation transcript:

Johari Window The Johari Window helps us understand how we see ourselves compared to how others see us. SELF Known Unknown Open or Public Arena Blind Spot Known OTHERS Façade or Hidden Area Unknown Unknown The Open/Public Arena relates to things known to myself and others. For example, a person’s height, eye color and occupation all fall under the open area. The more you know about yourself and the more you reveal to others, the larger your open arena. Communication is open, with minimal defensiveness. The blind spot is the window showing things other people know about me, but which I don’t know about myself; it is sometimes called the “spinach in the tooth”: or “bad breath” window. Also included here may be such things as physical mannerisms and certain personality characteristics. (for example, a person who gets angry quite easily but sees him/herself as a calm individual. The façade or hidden area relates to things I know about myself, but other people don’t know, which means I wish to keep them hidden; this is the “skeleton in the closet” window. It has to do with the our personal, private self, and includes our opinions, attitudes and biases. How much we keep hidden depends on how close we are to another person; we usually reveal more about ourselves to people we trust. Included in the façade window may be such things as previous bad school or work Experiences, unwanted personality traits, and negative reactions towards another person. A variation of this façade is the false façade. This relates to things I think are hidden from the other person but which really are not. For example, I may dislike another person, yet try to be nice; however, (s)he sees through my false façade and detects the underlying hostility. The final window is called unknown because it relates to things neither I nor the other person know about me - things which are usually hidden in the unconscious. We know the unconscious exists because we occasionally act out certain behaviors and have trouble tracing back the reasons for them. Change in the blind and hidden areas is possible through revelation and feedback.

Johari Window: The Open-Receptive Person Unknown to Self Known To Self Open/ Public Blind Spot Known to Others Unknown to Others Hidden/ Façade Area Unknown The open-receptive person has a large public area, reflecting someone who is open about him/herself and receptive to feedback from others. This is the person who has a clear self-image and enough confidence in who he/she is to be visible to others. If in a management role, the open-receptive person has employees who tend to feel respected and encouraged to grow.

Johari Window: The Pumper Unknown to Self Known To Self Open/ Public Blind Spot Known to Others Hidden/ Façade Area Unknown Unknown to Others The pumper has a large hidden area, reflecting someone who keeps information to him/herself. This is a person who is always asking for information and giving little in return - the game player. If the pumper is in a management role, employees tend to feel defensive with and resentful of this individual.

Johari Window: The Hermit Known To Self Unknown to Self Open/ Public Blind Spot Known to Others Hidden/ Façade Area Unknown Unknown to Others The hermit has a large unknown area, reflecting a lack of self knowledge and understanding. This is the person you can’t figure out. The hermit’s behavior tends to be unpredictable and security oriented. If in a management role, employees tend to feel insecure and confused about expectations.

Johari Window: The Blabbermouth Known To Self Unknown to Self Open/ Public Blind Spot Known to Others Unknown to Others Hidden/ Façade Area Unknown The blabbermouth has a large blind area, reflecting someone who talks a lot but does not listen too well. This is the person who is preoccupied with him/herself, and doesn’t know when to keep quiet. If the blabbermouth is in a management role, employees tend to get annoyed with this person and eventually will either actively or passively learn to shut him/her up.