State expenditure by sector in Burma
Military Expenditure in Burma 1988/89 to 2004/05 (Kyat/billion)
Military Expenditure in ASIAN Countries
Foreign Direct Investment (approved) by sector in Burma US $/million (as of March, 2005)
Salary in garment factory ( Myanmar yes. Korean) Basic daily wage 70 Kyat Kyat Basic salary 3,000 Kyat/month No absent intensive 9,000 Kyat /month Overtime 25 Kyat - 30 Kyat No absent on overtime 5,000 Kyat/month Total Between 20,000 and 30,000 Kyats Working day 6 days a week Working hour 8 hour ( Hour) Overtime 4 or 5 hour ( or 2200 hour) Total working hour 12 to 13 hour a day
National League for Democracy NLD won General Election 1990 Military Junta ha has not relinquished state power NLD leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been under house arrest for 11 years more than 1200 political prisoners are in the prison. National convention, guide lines given by the military regime, has been convening since 1993 without NLD party t draft a new constitution Intensify military offensive against ethnic nationality such as Karen, Karennie and Shan. The regime refuse to have dialogue with opposition to solve country’s problem. UN special envoy Razali Ismail was not allowed to enter the country and resigned. United Nation Security Council put Burma in its agenda
Actionss taken by FTUB for Burmese migrant workers in Thailand. With assistant and cooperation of ILO, ( ICFTU) and National Trade Unions such as CISL, Rengo, TUC, FNV and NCZT and Thai Trade Unions etc and NGOs the FTUB implemented a number of activities for Burmese migrant workers in Thailand. Legal assistant: to defend and claim the rights of migrant workers who are abused by their employers or authority the FTUB provided legal aid with assistance of Lawyer from Law Society of Thailand. Documentation: Collect information on trafficking Education: Both for adult and children. For adult migrant Trade Union Rights, Migrant Workers Rights and Labour law of Thailand through seminars and workshops. The FTUB set up schools which provide primary level education for the children. Organizing: The FTUB organized Burmese migrant workers to integrate into Thai Trade Union which to defend their rights. Health : HIV/Aids awareness program was implemented and published materials in different languages and distributed among migrant workers from Burma. Net working: with International and NationalTrade Unions and NGOs to share information and cooperation
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