How is your body like a sponge??
Your body can only absorb so many vitamins What happens when the body takes in too many water-soluble vitamins? What happens when the body takes in too many fat soluble vitamins? What is toxicity?
VITAMIN C FUNCTIONS: Makes collagen--connective tissue, Making of hormones, growth and repair of tissues and blood vessels FOOD SOURCES: Green peppers, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Strawberries, Citrus Fruits DEFICIENCY DISEASE: Scurvy Need 60 mg/day TOXICITY: Diarrhea, iron toxicity, can change results of some medical tests
B-1 THAMIN FUNCTIONS: Co enzyme in digestion of carbs, nerve tissue, appetite FOOD SOURCES: Pork products, sunflower seeds, whole and enriched grains DEFICIENCY DISEASE: Beri Beri – I can’t I can’t Need 1-1.5 mg/day TOXICITY: None possible from food
B-2 Riboflavin FUNCTIONS: Coenzyme for digestion of fat, promotes growth, nerves, healthy skin FOOD SOURCES: Milk and milk products DEFICIENCY DISEASE: Dermatitis Need 1.2-1.7 mg/ day TOXICITY: None known
B-3 NIACIN FUNCTIONS: Coenzyme in digestion of fats and carbs FOOD SOURCES: Poultry, fish, peanuts, and mushrooms DEFICIENCY DISEASE: *PELLAGRA- 3 D’s* Need 15-19 mg/day TOXICITY: Headaches, itching, flushing of skin
B-6 PYRIDOXINE FUNCTIONS: Coenzyme involved in the digestion of fat, carbs, and protein, Neurotransmitter making, Hemoglobin making FOOD SOURCES: Protein or meat group DEFICIENCY DISEASE: Headache, Nausea, Depression, Anemia, Vomiting, Skin problems Need 1.8-2 mg/day TOXICITY: Nerve Destruction, Hand/food numb, walking difficulty
FOLACIN FOLATE FOLIC ACID FUNCTIONS: Making red blood cells, making and using protein, Coenzyme in making DNA FOOD SOURCES: Dark green leafy veggies, meat, grains, eggs DEFICIENCY DISEASE: Megaloblastic Anemia, Inflamation of tongue, poor growth Need 120-180 mg/day TOXICITY: NONE
B-12 FUNCTIONS: Blood cell making, DNA and RNA, Bone Marrow FOOD SOURCES: Milk, Eggs, Meat DEFICIENCY DISEASE: Pernicious Anemia, Damage to intestines, Nerve destruction, Paralysis Need 2 microg/day TOXICITY: NONE