Variety is a combination of different elements in art ‘shape, colour, line, texture,’ are some examples. Variety (also known as alternation) is the quality or state of having different forms or types of art inside an artwork. Definitions:
1: Variety in the elements and principles 2: Variety of elements and principles in art. 3: Variety of art
Variety in the elements and principles of design
SHAPES -Geometric -Organic
COLOURCOLOUR -Red -Blue -Yellow -Green -Orange
ELINEELINE -Straight -Horizontal -Vertical -Diagonal
Variety of the elements and principles of design
Little Yellow Horses by Franz Marc COLOUR/LINE
A Still Life By Pablo Picasso SHAPE/COLOUR/LINE
The Birth of Venus by Sandro Bottichelli TEXTURE/HARMONY/VALUE
Variety of art
Hand Painting
Body Painting
Street Art
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