Question 1 4 points (p. 70) Describe yourself using the vocabulary from page 70 Use 2 words Describe yourself I am friendly and generous (4/4) I friendly and generous (3/4) I am friendly(3/4) Friendly and generous (2/4) Friendly. (1/4)
Question 2 4 points (p ) Answer using can + verb+ well. What can you do well? I can play soccer well (4/4) I can play soccer (3/4) Play soccer (2/4) Soccer(1/4)
Question 3 2 points (p. 72) Give full yes / no answer using can/ can’t Can he / she – sing/ drive a car / play guitar / swim? Yes, he / she can (2/2) No, he / she can’t (2/2) Yes(1/2) No (1/2)
Question 4 4 points (p ) Give two pieces of clothing. Use the correct singular or plural form What are you wearing today? I am wearing a shirt and pants(4/4) I wearing a shirt and pants(3/4) I’m wearing shirt and pants(3/4) I’m wearing a shirt (2/4) a shirt and pants(2/4) Pants (1/4)
Question 5 4 points (p ) Use this / that / these / those What is this / that / these / those This / That is a jacket(3/3) These / Those are jackets (3/3) This / That is jacket (2/3) These / Those are jacket (2/3) Jacket (1/3)
Question 6 5 points (p82 & 85-86) Use one of these words (attractive, up-to-date-, user-friendly, compact, versatile, expensive, powerful, cheap) with the correct comparative form (more _____ /, _____er / _____ier to describe 2 pieces of technology A computer is more expensive than a phone (5/5) A phone is cheaper than a computer (5/5) A computer is expensiver than a phone (4/5) A phone is more cheap than a computer (4/5) A computer is more expensive a phone (4/5) A phone is cheaper a computer (4/5) A computer is more expensive (3/5) Computer is expensive (2/5) Expensive (1/5) computerphone
Question 7 5 points (p82 & 85-86) Use an adjective of your choice with the correct comparative form (more _____ /, _____er / _____ier to describe 2 pieces of technology An elephant is bigger than a mouse (5/5) Elephant is bigger than mouse (4/5) An elephant is big than a mouse (4/5) An elephant is bigger a mouse (4/5) An elephant is bigger (3/5) Elephant bigger (2/5) Bigger (1/5) Elephant and Mouse
Question 8 4 points (p. 91) Use a / an / some / not any What do you want to eat for lunch? I want to eat an apple(4/4) I want to eat some spaghetti (4/4) I want to eat apple (3/4) I want to eat spaghetti (3/4) I want spaghetti (2/4) Spaghetti (1/4)
Question 9 4 points (p. 91) Use some or not any Do you have any bananas/rice/milk/cheese at home? Yes, I have some rice(4/4) No, I don’t have any rice(4/4) Yes, I have rice(3/4) No, I don’t have rice(3/4) Yes, I do (2/4) No, I don’t (2/4) Yes / No (1/4)