Professional & Sonny McGillivary Amateur Talent Contest Registration Package
Professional Category □ Sonny McGillivary Amateur Category □ Name: ________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Telephone Number: ____________________________ Cellular Number: ______________________________ Address: ________________________________ Registration Form
First Choice: Name of Song & Artist _______________________________________________ Second Choice: Name of Song & Artist _______________________________________________ Song Choice
Please music to along with your Registration fee must be mailed no later than August 10, 2012 to: Glenn Ranville Box 3633 The Pas, Manitoba R9A 1S3 Cheque/Money Order must be made payable to Opaskwayak Indian Days - $ Professional Talent Contest or $ Sonny McGillivary Amateur Talent Contest Other Information Needed
Please indicate which instrument that you will be using: _____guitar _____bass guitar _____lead guitar _____steel guitar _____drum kit _____fiddle _____other (please specify) {for contestants who wish to provide their own instruments for personal back up and cannot be placed on the stage during the talent contest} Other Information Needed
Please provide a short biography that includes the following information: hometown, age, marital status, number of children, occupation, education, career aspirations, age you started singing, who/what inspires you to sing, talent shows/concerts you may have performed in, and any other information that tells who you are. 100 word limit. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Contestant Biography
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Contestant Biography
□ registration form □ registration fee □ song choices □ biography 100 words Your registration will not be considered complete until all items have been submitted Checklist