Flowering Plants Phylum Anthophyta or Magnoliophyta OVULE DEVELOPMENT EKU General Botany lab
Flowering plant ovary and ovules Note: anthers ovary ovules locules How many carpels make up this ovary? slightly older ovules ovary wall microsporangium very young ovule Both of these photos are transverse sections of flower buds. How many locules are there in these ovaries?
Flowering plant megasporangium and functional megaspore MEIOSIS Note that the entire ovule has grown in size, the integuments have thickened and now completely surround the megasporangium. Note ovary wall, locule, funiculus, integuments, micropyle, megasporangium, megaspore. Note megasporocyte megasporangium is only one cell thick! This cell is now haploid.
Flowering Plants: Growth of female gametophyte 2-nuclear gametophyte 4-nuclear gametophyte 8-nuclear (7-celled) mature female gametophyte In all pictures, note the gametophyte, megasporangium, micropyle (when visible) and locule.
Flowering plant: mature gametophyte and fertilization Notice that the micropyle end is at opposite ends of these two pictures. The mature (7-celled, 8-nuclear) gametophyte. the moment of double fertilization ! Male and female gametes fusing Polar nuclei fusing
Flowering plant: summary of ovule development