is concerned with the balance (or imbalance) of power and control and how content is shaped through the varied influence of the participants
the study of broadcasting institutions can enhance our understanding of programs It can also prepare us for the social, economic, and policy realities of our careers.
Actional Analysis focuses on how people get other people to agree with them and identifies successful ways to do that Structural Analysis focuses on constraints in political and economic environments that determine limits on media decision makers
Production analysis draws attention to the fact that whatever else popular culture may be, it is deeply embedded in capitalist, for- profit mass production. Microlevel: Television Workers Midrange: Television Institutions Macrolevel: Political Economy
looks at how the constraints associated with specific roles (time and other pressures) affects content how much power does each player in the production process really have?
Technical Determinants Unions Relationships among staff, talent, production company, network
Midrange criticism looks at how the organizational structure of the medium affects content Network Programming Brand Identity
At this level, organizational communication and industrial relations perspectives are common Operational Control the ability of units of the organization to set and implement policy set and modify goals allocate resources
looks at how media ownership, regulation, and social trends affect content. Monopoly power and free market capitalism Public Interest and Individual Rights Federal Rights versus State Rights Limited Government versus Regulation of Harms Censorship and Gatekeeping Allocative Control: the ability to set an organization's agenda, goals, and resources
Turow analyzed roles in tv production and put them into categories based on the type of power and influence they had over a television program Producer Power Rule, which covers Publisher/Producers and, to some extent, distributors Authority Power Role, which covers Regulators Investor Power Role Client Power Role, which covers Advertisers
Client Power Role, which covers Advertisers Creator Power Role, which also covers directors, performers, content editors, and others who can influence the final product Distributor and Exhibitor power role, which covers Retailers, Collectors, and to some extent, Distributors Auxiliary Power Role, which covers Financial Management, Reproducers and, to some extent, Production Support
The Union, Linking-Pin, and Facilitator Power Roles, which cover different kinds of Representatives Public and Public Advocacy Roles, which covers Consumers, Critics, and to some extent, Regulators, Representatives, and Selector/gatekeepers