1 FreeSoft Profile HUNGARY Vilmos Vaspál http./ Phone:
FreeSoft Partners: Oracle, SUN, HP, BMC Founded: 1990 Products and solutions Long term co-operation Profit
3 3 FreeSoft Business divisions Office automation - groupware - workflow - document management - imaging Custom designed software application development - UNIX and NT systems - Oracle, JAVA Javascript, C++, HTML, XML - Internet/intranet/WEB environment
4 4 FreeSoft Business divisions Migration of legacy applications - Ingres 4GL to Developer, - Informix 4GL to Developer - Adabas/Natural to Oracle/ JAVA, - Access/VB to Oracle/JAVA e-Business - B2B Sun ONE - Oracle Applications, Oracle Applications „e-start” 3 A Division - IT audit, data security - application management
5 5 e Focus of FreeSoft according to eEurope 2005 To take part in creating knowledge-based economy in EU According to eEurope 2005 aims FreeSoft can provide modern online application solutions n powerful application system for supporting cross-border and added-value information services n platform independent architecture n using strong authentical registration n multilingual support n based on standards Identify of good practice, extend the applicability
6 6 EU References n Bayern Police n Hamburg Senat n TUI n Corning n City Köln
7 7 References in Hungary Public sector projects: Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Defence, Parliament (ongoing) PHARE and World Bank projects: Hungarian Tax Office National Pension Insurance Administration State Financial and Capital Market Supervision State Privatisation and Holding Co. Other important projects: Vodafone, Antenna Hungária Hungarian Lottery Co., Post Bank
8 Thank you for your kind attention! If you have any questions, please contact us! Vilmos Vaspál http./ Phone: