Pandas By: Dina Morales
Info: Native to central-western and southwestern China. Adults measure around 1.5m and around 75 cm tall Males weigh up to 253 pounds Females weigh up to 220 pounds
Adaptations: The Giant Panda has five regular appendages that humans would consider toes or fingers. It also has a sixth 'thumb' that allows the Giant Panda to grasp Bamboo better for eating. The Panda needs very strong jaw muscles to chew the Bamboo therefore the head has gotten larger to support the larger jaw muscles. If the jaw muscles were not this strong, the Panda would die off because Bamboo is its main source of food.
Living relatives Pandas are in the family Ursidae, which is the bear family.
Habitat Pandas are usually found in the mountains at about 3000 meters above sea level. In the winter they sometimes make their way down to about 800 meters. They do not make a permanent den, but take shelter in any suitable cavity in trees or rock crevices. They do not hibernate, but instead come down to lower elevations where it is warmer and more food is available.
Food Chain: The panda has a diet which is 99% bamboo. Pandas may eat other foods such as homey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges and bananas when available.