space face place 地方 太空
This is space.This is the sun.The sun is very big.And it’s very, very hot. These are planets. planet
planet 行星 水星 Mercury 金星 Venus 地球 Earth 火星 Mars 木星 Jupiter 土星 Saturn 天王星 Uranus 海王星 Neptune
1.Which planet is near to (靠近) the sun? 2.Which planet is far from (远离) the sun? 3.Which planet is beautiful?
This planet is near to the sun. It’s very hot. 1.Which planet is near to the sun?
This planet is far from the sun. So it’s very cold. 2.Which planet is far from the sun?
3.Which planet is beautiful? This planet is beautiful.
It’s got three beautiful rings. This planet is beautiful. ring sing wing 环
five rings. A.It is gotIt has got B. It’s got ________.
It’s got three beautiful rings. This planet is beautiful.
Read and circle “ hot…” 读课文,圈出形容词:
beautiful far near hot cold big 1.The sun is very________, and it’s very very __________. 2.This planet is _________to the sun. It’s very__________. 3.This planet is _________ from the sun. So it’s very ______there. 4.This planet is _____________. It’s got three beautiful rings. hot big near hot far cold beautiful
I like ___________. It’s___________. And it’s___________. 金星 Venus 地球 Earth 火星 Mars 土星 Saturn 天王星 Uranus 木星 Jupiter 海王星 Neptune 水星 Mercury
He ___________. is cold 天王星 Uranus
guess The boy is____. hot 金星 Venus
She is helpful. She is clever. She’s got short, black hair. She is near to... She is_______. guess This snake is______. short 海王星 Neptune
火星 Mars This snake is ____. long
It’s an animal. It’s black and white It’s fat. It’s cute. It’s a_______. guess panda 木星 Jupiter
It’s an animal. It’s tall. It’s big. It’s got a long nose. It’s an________. elephant guess 地球 Earth
It’s scary. It’s big. It looks like a cat. It is_______. guess tiger 水星 Mercury
guess It’s small. It’s white. It’s got two long ears. It is_______. a rabbit 土星 Saturn