StoryIllustrator Alexandro Artola December 5 th, 2002
2 Outline Overview System Description Mechanism Demo Retrospective Questions
3 Overview ARIA Open Mind Genres: Action, Children’s, Comedy, Drama, Horror, etc. Yahoo! ® Picture Gallery
4 System Description Children’s Stories User selects images to include in a story Input: Text file Output: Web-page with associated images and CS knowledge
5 Mechanism Parse a text file to get nouns MontyTagger & Lemmatiser Use stop-nouns list to get rid of abstract nouns Select nouns to: Search images Traverse the “Semantic Net” For each noun: Select image Search for CS-related images Post web-page With images and CS tags
6 Demo “Deilia’s North Pole Adventure” by: Its Wrilly Winter Here
7 What Went Well Design Changed over time Implementation Python Hugo and Push’s tools! MontyTagger, Lemmatiser & OMCSNet Other packages PyEdit & HTMLgen (from Programming Python)
8 What Was Difficult Design Issues Limitations Clean the “Semantic Net” Not able to use WALI Restriction to use nouns
9 Possible Extensions Include image descriptions Recursive CS image search Use WordNet instead of stop-nouns list Analogous concepts
10 Questions?
11 Try the System! Python 2.2 System ~/mit/aartola/Public/MAS.964/ SemanticNet semanticnet.txt