Teacher Identify Md. Baha uddin, ID # 15 Taltala Ideal Girl,s High school, Chatkhil, Noakhali.
Class Six Subject-English Second Paper
Learning outcome After end of the lesson students will be able to - 1. Give the definition of Gender. 2. Mention the classification of Gender. 3. Identify the word’s on Gender. 4. To use appropriate gender word.
Creating appropriate class situation
Lesson Title GENDER
* Some English nouns are Masculine, Feminine, or neuter For Example, Most names of jobs, such as Teacher,doctor, and writer, are used For both men and women. B ut some nouns refer only to males and other only to famalesFor Examples,Father, Brother, Son Etc. presentation
There is a list of some common specific words for male, female, common & neuter gender Male Female Father Mother Brother Sister Son Daughter Bull Cow Dog Bitch
Group work 1.Write down the 5 name of masculine gender 2.Write down the 5 name of faminine gender 3.Write down the 5 name of neuter gender
Evaluation 1. What do you mean by gender? 2. Mention classification of gender? 3. Give the Examples of male and females?
Make a list of some common specific words for male and female animals. Home work