8 th Language Arts Room 203
Creative Fun to read Interesting Pro’s
Format Proofread Spell out words Spell small numbers Punctuate OUR vs. ARE “I’m going to tell you…” *Be sure to check your entries Common Errors
Always start each journal entry as: Journal #TitleDate in MLA Format Journal # 2Fair Week 10 October 2012 Format
Re-read your journal entry after you are done We’ll grade or peer review periodically You’ll be given time before hand to check your work Re-read each entry to make sure that it is: Complete Edits are made All entries are accounted for Proofread
DO NOT USE: idk gonna thru Use: …I don’t know… Going Through Spell Out Words/ No Slang
When using small numbers, write out the numeral One Two Five Ten Twenty Spell Out Small Numbers
Capitalize proper nouns Names: George I (not “i”) Beginning of sentence Do NOT capitalize random letters in the middle of the word/ sentence! Punctuate Correctly!
Our vs. Are Our—possessive Are—verb OUR vs. ARE
Do not say what you are going to write about: “I’m going to tell you what the national anthem means to me…” Just state the topic or prompt clearly “When I hear the national anthem, it brings many emotions to many people. For me, the national anthem means honor, courage, and patriotism.” Stating the Obvious
Don’t just look at what you numbered the journals (some people number incorrectly) Count and make sure you have the correct amount A list will be posted—check the prompts One missed entry can be an automatic 10+ point deduction! Check and Check Again