Ohio’s Next- Generation IT Workforce Keith Ewald Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Office of Workforce Development Bureau of Labor Market Information.


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Presentation transcript:

Ohio’s Next- Generation IT Workforce Keith Ewald Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Office of Workforce Development Bureau of Labor Market Information October 17 th, 2007

Why Information Technologies? High-wages Promote overall high educational attainment Key to promoting other business growth Encourages entrepreneurship

Occupational Age Distributions IT employment skews younger than other employment in the state  Overall, this is a younger industry  Employment mode is about ten years younger than total employment Challenges from the graying labor force will not be as acute in IT  One fifth still expected to retire in the near future

Age Distributions, 2000 Census

By Occupation

Occupational Growth Strong growth projected through 2014 There will be almost 3,800 combined annual openings in these selected occupations Only one occupation expected to decline

Replacement Rates Very low compared with total rate (23.6%) Younger workforce than for all workers Projected growth, combined with a substantial number of replacement needs, will add to demand needs

Replacement Rates in Selected Occupations

Training Completers Demand for IT workers may not be matched by available supply 170 fewer IT-related program completers, 2005 to Most growth in networking and information management

IT Degree Completions, 2005 & 2006

Skills- and Knowledge-Based Projections Of 16 selected soft skill sets, most can be increased through modest training  Critical thinking  Judgment and decision making  Complex problem identification Specialized knowledge will take more effort to build up  Esp. STEM courses and majors

Skills-Based Projections to 2014

Knowledge-Based Projections to 2014

Resume Keywords for IT Primary keywords: ASP, C#, Clearance, DB2, J2EE, Net, Oracle, PeopleSoft, SAP, SCI, Secret, TS, VB, WebSphere, XML 66.1% of resumes are read The more keywords that are included, the more likely that an electronic resume will be read.

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