To give every student in Year 10 the chance to find out what being at work is like To add relevance to your curriculum Reality therapy Not a career choice
OCTOBER/NOVEMBER Parent’s Information evening Assembly for students PSHE lessons introduce WE process to students. The School website will contain a section for Yr 10 Work Experience You can view or download letters, forms and powerpoints
Own choice forms are only for placements that are not already on the 2012 List of placements. Please check the list before completing a green Own Choice Form Green Own Choice form to employer to complete. Own Choices form returned to Mr Phillips by 31 st October If not already on County or West Suffolk College database application to EBP Unit for inspection
Student Choices Form to pupils by week of Mon. 14 th Nov. Form completed by pupil and signed by parents To Form Tutor by Monday 5 th December
Choose 3 placements and write the correct information in the boxes. Avoid placements which already have several other applicants. Only apply for a school or nursery place if you have a genuine interest in childcare. Do not apply for a place in a school you have attended as a pupil. Make sure you can travel to the placements you choose. Please ask your parents to complete the bottom of the form.
January first round of allocations “You can’t always get what you want !” Week beginning 6 th Feb. details of allocations to students Second round of choices for those not placed Meet with students who have not got a placement
Student Health Details form with space for any medical details relevant to being at work Deadline for return of Health Details form to Form tutor – Monday 20 th February Pupils write application letter and CV in PSHE classes Follow up with telephone call to arrange interview during holiday
Interview during the holiday 31 st MARCH – 15 th APRIL Student must take Triplicate Form for employer to sign and bring all of it back Parent signs Triplicate Form
Triplicate Form signed by employer, parent and student to Form Tutor by Tuesday 17 th APRIL No FormNo Work Experience !
Monday 23 rd March-Friday 4 th April YOU GO TO WORK
A member of staff will phone and most students will be visited at their placement Please notify employer and school if you are going to be absent Contact me at school if there are any problems or worries
Tuesday 8 th April Return to school PSHE lessons used for Evaluation Employer Report forms collected Work Experience reports feed into your Progress File. Employer Report to you and copy stored in school.