Работу выполнила: Хателишвили Александра, Краснодарский край, г.к. Анапа, ст.Гостагаевская, МБОУ ООШ №31, 5 «Б» класс. Наставник: учитель английского языка.


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Presentation transcript:

Работу выполнила: Хателишвили Александра, Краснодарский край, г.к. Анапа, ст.Гостагаевская, МБОУ ООШ №31, 5 «Б» класс. Наставник: учитель английского языка Ильина Людмила Петровна. Название конкурсной работы: Queen’s Birthday. Название конкурса: Детский международный конкурс презентаций «Holiday Parade. Парад праздников». Название сайта: Вектор-успеха.рф –портал для детей и подростков.

The Queen celebrates her actual birthday on 21 April. She also celebrates her official birthday on either the first or the second, and sometimes the third, Saturday in June.

The tradition of having an official birthday for the Sovereign was begun for practical reasons. Monarchs who had their birthdays in the winter months often encountered problems due to cold, wet weather spoiling parades and other outdoor celebrations.

King Edward VII, who was born on 9 November, was the first Sovereign to mark his official birthday on a separate day to his actual birthday throughout his reign, holding celebrations in either May or June.

Subsequent Monarchs had birthdays which fell at convenient times of the year, but the tradition was revived by the Queen’s father, King George VI. He was born in mid-December, and so also ‘moved’ his birthday to June, when fine weather was more likely, and thus the tradition of the official birthday was established.

21 April. On this day, all the newspapers, radio and television stations congratulate the Queen with her birthday.

The Queen continues the tradition by celebrating her official birthday in June each year.

Her Majesty usually spends her actual birthday privately at Windsor with friends and family while her official birthday is always marked in the same way with the Trooping of the Colour ceremony and a fly-past over Buckingham Palace.

In addition, the Queen’s Birthday Honours List is announced, the Union flag is flown from government buildings and gun salutes are fired at noon.

Англо-русский. Русско - английский словарь для школьников с грамматическим приложением. – М.: АСТ, – 573, [3] с. Источники информации, используемые при подготовке к работе.