Ministry of Defense Denmark Gender Issues in the Danish Armed Forces Francis Joint EU-LAC Conference, Santiago - Chile 4-5 November 2002 Gender Issues in the Danish Armed Forces Francis Zachariae Head of Division, Danish Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Defense Denmark Gender Issues in the Danish Armed Forces The history: Since Women in civilian jobsSince Women in civilian jobs An act is passed that makes it possible for women to have a military job An act is passed that makes it possible for women to have a military job It is now possible for women to have a job in combat units It is now possible for women to have a job in combat units It is now possible for women to have a job as a fighter pilot It is now possible for women to have a job as a fighter pilot It is now possible for young women to serve on the same terms as those of conscript soldiers It is now possible for young women to serve on the same terms as those of conscript soldiers
Ministry of Defense Denmark The Integration of Women in the Danish Armed Forces Assimilation as opposed to integration
Ministry of Defense Denmark Four good reasons to increase the possibility of recruiting and integrating women in the Danish Armed Forces: We want to contribute to maintaining a peaceful and democratic societyWe want to contribute to maintaining a peaceful and democratic society We want the Armed Forces to be deeply rooted in the Danish societyWe want the Armed Forces to be deeply rooted in the Danish society We want to have the possibility to recruit the best qualified young people regardless of their sex, ethnic origin etc.We want to have the possibility to recruit the best qualified young people regardless of their sex, ethnic origin etc. We want to bring all possibilities into play that can qualify the tasks we perform We want to bring all possibilities into play that can qualify the tasks we perform
Ministry of Defense Denmark The Integration of Women in the Danish Armed Forces Different people will have equal possibilities if you treat them individually
Ministry of Defense Denmark The distribution of women and men in the three services and in the medical corps:
Ministry of Defense Denmark The distribution of women and men on ranks
Ministry of Defense Denmark The distribution of women and men among personnel in international missions:
Ministry of Defense Denmark Way ahead A long-term strategy for the future recruitment of women A long-term strategy for the future recruitment of women A seminar for women in military positions A seminar for women in military positions A study into the scope and nature of gender-linked insulting behaviour A study into the scope and nature of gender-linked insulting behaviour Mainstreaming of Mainstreaming of Uniforms The appraisal interview system Basic physical standards differentiated according to sex Basic physical standards differentiated according to sex