COGAIN Kick-Off Tampere, Finland WP 9: Management Stina Boedeker
Objective Overall day-to-day project management, including monitoring activities, progress reporting, financial management and coordination of project meetings and deliverables. Refinement of plans for the later phases
Tasks 1/2 T9.1 Set-up of the Steering Group and Network Coordination Office T9.2 Invitations to join the Board of Industrial Advisors and the Board of User Communities T9.3 Day-to-day management T9.4 Support for integration activities Cogain camps, research retreats, mobility grants
Tasks 2/2 T9.5 Preparing and organising Steering Group meetings and kick-off meeting T9.6 Setting up procedures for quality assurance of documents and monitoring their implementation COGAIN document templates Pre-publication peer review procedures
Deliverables D9.1 Project presentation (M6 – February 2005) D9.2 Progress report (M6 – February 2005) D9.3 Progress report (M12 – May 2005) D9.4 Progress report (M18 – February 2006)
Milestones M9.1 Kick-off meeting (M2 – by October 2005) M9.2 COGAIN camp, including expert review (M12 – by August 2005)
Measurable Indicators IndicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5 Number of participants in yearly camps or other general meetings Number of researchers and student visits supported by the mobility programme Number of partners inv. in management activities Number of individuals (BIA, BUC,…) inv. In Mgmt activities
Current Status Kick-off meeting organized in Tampere. Assembly’s preparatory meeting held on the 5th of Sept. official meeting by Assembly appoints Steering Group members Assembly sets up Network Coordination Office Assembly appoints Board of Ind. Advisors and Board of User Communities
Estimated Involvement (first 18 months) PartnerMonths UTA8 ITU0,5 DTU3 UNI KO-LD0,3 POLITO0,5 UZL1 SU3 ACE0,8 UOD0,5 DMU2
To Do Organize An official Assembly meeting Representatives from the partners appointed in writing. Steering Group meetings research retreats (support) COGAIN camp in June perhaps. Collect information for the best way to use the mobility grants Deliverables and progress reports in time. Make COGAIN templates available. Monitor the indicators
Discussion Comments, ideas? Contact person Stina Boedeker, address: