Installation (ch. 15) MSO 08/09, WP
Issue It is about the final step of “installing” a new software in an organization. The issue is not just about the software itself. The whole organization has to change along as well! Which makes ‘installation’ complex and risky you need to handle this systematically! (have a plan) 2
Global strategy 3 Current System Current System New System New System migration Unfreeze Technical conversion Change ‘management’ Refreeze Support Maintenance Plan these out in a ‘migration plan’ !
“Conversion” Address the technical aspect of migration, covering: Install (new) hardware Install (new) software Converting old business data Strategies: 4 pilot phased simultant whole system modular parallel direct Note that the strategies are ordered differently than in the book !
Risk & Cost 5 pilot phased simultant whole system modular parallel direct In this pic. the strategies are ordered such that: Time and cost increase along any dimension. Risk decrease along any dimension.
Change ‘management’ Address the organizational aspect of migration (the organization has to migrate as well), covering: Revising work procedures & policies Training Assessing cost/benefit Motivating adoption of new systems Important to realize that there are three parties here: Change sponsors within organization, have authority Change agent just the project management body, has no authority Adopters / users people that must adapt to the new system may make costly mistake (imporper training etc) may resist 6
7 Current System Current System New System New System migration Refreeze Support Maintenance Refreeze / post-implementation activities
System support Is defined as: support for helping users to use the system (Dennis et al). On-line support: FAQ, wiki, message board, etc. Help desk 8
System Maintenance Is defined as: the process of refining the system to make sure it continues to meet business need (Dennis et al). This includes: Fixing bugs. Modification (small or large): Changing or improving existing features. Adding new features. In many cases the maintenance cost is actually bigger than development cost. 9
Finally... You have seen it all.... Now go and make your software project! Remember all what you have learned here. Try to apply it at small scale in your SP. You’ll cherish that experience when you latter participate in your real mega-euro project. 10