Animals of Australia By: Katie Schleper
Kangaroo Kangaroos are marsupials (females have pouches) from the family of Macropodidae (a macropod), meaning “large foot” Largest type of kangaroo is the Gray Kangaroo. Other types of kangaroos are Red Kangaroos, wallabies, and Rat Kangaroos.
Bandicoot Bandicoots are marsupials native to Australia, New Guinea, Papua, and Tasmania. The bandicoot ranges from about 10 to 20 inches long. The bandicoots fur is orange, gray, brown, and sometimes striped.
Cuscus The Cuscus is a marsupial found in Australia, Tasmania, the Solomon Islands, Moluccas, and Celebes. They are arboreal animals, meaning they are adapted to living in trees. Their diet includes fruit, leaves, nectar, insects, and sometimes small birds.
Platypus The Platypus is an egg laying mammal of Eastern Australia. The Platypus has a duck-like bill and a wide flat tail. Males have a poison spur on their hind feet that they use to kill small animals. Platypus’ use their bill to crush and eat crustaceans.
Kookaburra Kookaburras can be found in Australia and New Guinea. They eat large insects, mice, small birds, small snakes, and sometimes fish. The kookaburras’ call sounds like a laugh.
Tasmanian Tiger/Wolf The Tasmanian tiger/wolf lives in Tasmania and off of Australia’s Southeast coast. There are not many left on Earth. Tasmanian tigers/wolves eat kangaroos and wallabies. They are marsupials.
Numbat The Numbat is a marsupial anteater that is the only living species of the family Myrmecobiidae. They have gray, brown, or dull red backs which are crossed by six or seven white stripes. The Numbat has a long sticky tongue used to pick up ants and termites.
Nabarlek Nabarleks eat grasses and ferns that are native to Australia. Most babies are born in the Winter. They are marsupials. They stay in their mother’s pouch for 26 weeks.