Lesson 5
Place Value The name of the “place” where a digit is within a given number e.x. 456,722 7 = hundreds place value
Place Value is… _ _ _, _ _ _, _ _ _, _ _ _. *place value of whole numbers is identified by “backwards” order; reading right to left
When reading #s… *focus on the sections of each part of the number Steps: 1. Name each section just as a “hundred/small” whole # 2. Name the place value of that section. [**The only section we do not do this for is that last section (100s, 10s, 1s)] 3. Put all the name sections together! Ex. 345, 221,602 Say “345” Place Value section? Say “221” Place Value section? Say “602” Place Value section? Put it all together:
Write in words: 456,231 1 st # & section: four hundred fifty six thousand 2 nd # & section: two hundred thirty one [ending section = no name] Put it together: four hundred fifty-six thousand, two hundred thirty-one
Write each number in words: a) 7,408,202 b) 16,004,100