Section Chair Quick Start Training Dr. James Jhing-Fa Wang IEEE R10 Section/Chapter Coordinator IEEE Fellow & Chair Professor, NCKU, Taiwan Mar. 6 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Section Chair Quick Start Training Dr. James Jhing-Fa Wang IEEE R10 Section/Chapter Coordinator IEEE Fellow & Chair Professor, NCKU, Taiwan Mar

Outline 1. Introduction to IEEE Section and Chapter 2. How to Run Your Section Successfully  2.1 Organize Your Section/Chapter Officers  2.2 Set Up the Calendar  2.3 How to Prepare a Report and Apply for Rebate  2.4 How to Win the MGA Outstanding Section Awards  2.5 How to Organize Section Activities  2.6 How to Inform Members about Section Activities 3. Conclusion Useful Links

1. Introduction to IEEE Section and Chapter

IEEE –  Inspire, Enable, Empower and Engage in the Technology for Humanity To increase member engagement in IEEE Sections and Chapters To improve the quality of IEEE technical activities To increase operational efficiency and effectiveness of IEEE Sections, Chapters and Coordinators To improve relationships with and between IEEE Societies, Councils, Sections and Chapters To enhance collaboration with other IEEE organization units and other professional organizations Visions and Missions

Currently, the IEEE R10 comprises of  6 Councils (Australia, China, India, Japan, Korea, New Zealand)  57 Sections (A new Section requires at least 50 members),  21 Subsections (at least 20 members)  500+ Chapters (at least 12 members)  583 student branches (at least 12 student members)

The following figure lists the top 10 active sections in R10 from 2008 to (The details of the report are described later) Current Section Status Number of reports

Current Chapter Status 82 new chapters have been formed in The following is the number of chapters formed from 2005 to 2010.

Detailed information for the status of sections and chapters can be found on IEEE R10 Section/Chapter Coordinator webpage.

2. How to Run Your Section Successfully

2.1 Organize Your Section Organize the Section Roster  Contact & invite the active volunteers in your Section to be the Officers: Vice chair, secretary, treasurer Electronic communications coordinator, newsletter editor, SAMIEEE (Section Access to Members)(Get statistics on members, contact members using E-notice, conduct a survey on members) Chapter coordinator, industry relations coordinator Affinity group chair (including GOLD, Life Members, Women in Engineering chairs), chapter chair Student/professional/educational activity officer Nominations and appointments, awards and recognition, membership development officers Organize the Committees  Executive Committee, Technical Chapter, Affinity Group, and/or Student Branch.

2.2 Set Up the Calendar Work with the Section Secretary and other Section/Chapter volunteers to establish an annual calendar (see a sample in the next slide). As the Section Chair, you will be responsible for running the regular meetings of the Section Executive Committee (usually, once a month).

Calendar Sample DateActivity 15-JanSection Executive Committee Meeting - approval of Section budget for current year, completion/review of prior year financial report 24-JanFuture Cities Competition - Final Judging 26-JanFinal Date to submit Graduate and Undergraduate Student Papers 4-FebSection ExCom Meeting - Student Paper Presentations 17-FebEngineering Expo, 10:30 - 1:30 17-FebRegional Science and Engineering Fair 4-MarSection ExCom Meeting 31-MarDeadline - Submission of Officer, meeting, and financial reports 1-AprSection ExCom Meeting 8-AprSection LM Affinity Group Event - Combined technical talk with a Technical Society Chapter 10-AprUTA - Student Professional Awareness conference AprilRegional Conference 6-MaySection ExCom Meeting 3 June Section ExCom Meeting - review of financial transactions/check register 2-JulSection ExCom Meeting 5-AugSection ExCom Meeting 17-AugComputer Society Speaker/Symposium 2-Sep Section ExCom Meeting - call for nominations for Section positions in the upcoming year 7-OctSection ExCom Meeting 15-OctTechnical Meeting - Radio Frequency Identification - Past, Present, and Future 4-Nov Section ExCom Meeting 2-DecSection ExCom Meeting - annual election of officers

2.3 How to Prepare a Report and Apply for Rebate The Section officers should collect all the annual reports of the subsections, chapters, and affinity groups. Annual reports include:  Meeting Activity  Current Officers  Financial Activity

Meeting Activity Report Template Visit

Officer Report Template Visit:

Financial Report Template Visit

Section secretaries are responsible for submitting meeting activity and officer reports. Section treasurers are responsible for submitting the financial report.

Section Rebate After providing reports to the MGA Board, the MGA (Member and Geographic Activity) Board will review the Section record. The Section is eligible to earn a rebate payment. Minimum meeting requirements to earn a rebate  5 meetings for Sections and Subsections  2 technical meetings for Chapters  2 meetings for Affinity Groups

Section Rebate Schedule  19th Feb: Early reporting for 10% bonus on total rebate  31st Mar: Final Deadline for rebate eligibility including that of subunits  30th Apr: Payouts for Section Rebates Detailed Schedule: Search “IEEE MGA rebate schedule” on Google

2.4 How to Win the MGA Outstanding Section Awards To recognize the excellent work of a large section and a small section, the MGA board gives  Outstanding Large Section Award  Outstanding Small Section Award A large Section: #Members > 500 A small Section: #Members ≦ 500

Selection criteria for winning the award:  Financial, officer and meeting reports must be submitted;  New GOLD Affinity Group formations; How to start a new GOLD Section? Submit a petition signed by 6 IEEE GOLD members (excluding student members) Start with a committee that at least includes: Chairperson, Vice- chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary.  Active Student Branch activity such as student paper contest, recruitment of Student members;  Continuing educational activities including conferences, technical activities, and training courses;  Contacts with Section members, including the number of newsletter issues, newsletters, regular updates of Section, Chapters, and Student Branches Web pages;

Recipients Outstanding Large Section Award Recipients  2010 R7 Vancouver Section  2009 R10 Taipei Section  2008 R9 Peru Section  2007 R3 Melbourn Section  2006 R2 Pittsburgh Section  2005 R7 Ottawa Section  2004 R1 Long Island Section Outstanding Small Section Award Recipients  2010 R7 Canadian Atlantic Section  2009 R6 Richland Section  2008 R10 South Australia Section  2007 R10 Shikoku Section  2006 R5 Oklahoma Section  2005 R9 Bahia Section  2004 R10 South Australia Section

Submission information:  Go to and submit the application form online.  Deadline is on 16th May,  Nominees and recipients will be notified in July.

2.5 How to Organize Section Activities Lead the Section Executive Committee (ExCom) to review/revise Section activities Your Section ExCom should establish a calendar of events, goals, priorities, and budget. Inform members about the activities via Section and R10 Newsletters

2.6 How to Inform Members about Section Activities  A newsletter article (please contact R10 Newsletter Editor: Dr. Zia Ahmed or Section Newsletter Editor)Zia Ahmed  A posting to the R10 Section web site (please contact Electronics Communication coordinator: Dr. Jin Dong)Jin Dong  SAMIEEE Tools (Get statistics on members, contact members using E-notice, conduct a survey on members)

3. Q&A This slide will be put on the R10 Section/Chapter Coordinator webpage.

Useful Links Section Chair Quick Start Training : /officer_training/chair.html /officer_training/chair.html Chapter Chair Quick Start Training: /officer_training/chapter_chair.html Annual Report and Rebate Information: /required_reporting/rebate_schedule.html MGA Outstanding Section Award: /awards/recipients/awards_outstanding_section.html