1 The People’s Housing Partnership Trust Business Plan April 2005 – March 2006
2 MANDATE: The mandate of the PHPT is to capacitate and engage with national Provincial local governments and civil society in order that they may support the People’s Housing process.
3 PHPT VISION Leading the PEOPLE’S Housing Process Nationally
4 The founding objectives: To establish a comprehensive communications strategy (including a public awareness campaign through strategic information dissemination). Mobilize and capacitate communities to effectively initiate and implement the PHP through participation at all levels. Design and implement a training programme in consultation with Provincial Department of Housing and other stakeholders. Institutionalize the PHP.
5 Current Objectives in support of the New Plan Letsema Mobilization Capacity Building Housing Job Creation Building PHPT Capacity
6 Major Outcomes: % awareness of the PHP option in all settlements targeted for upgrading. 2.Municipalities capacitated to function efficiently as support organisations. 3.Development of youth in PHP projects to upscale delivery. 4.Increased number of functional support organisations. 5.Skills transfer and job creation in PHP projects. 6.Partnerships with the Extended Public Works Programme (EPWP), National Youth Service Unit (NYSU), Dept. of Labour & Private Sector 7.Guidelines for community involvement 8.A functional PHP institutional framework
7 Overall Objective Performance Indicator Sources of Verification Assumptions Improved PHP Housing delivery in South Africa Visible community involvement in housing delivery Research data: Case studies Functional PHP Institutional framework in place in the PHPT
8 ALTERNATIVE ARRANGEMENTS: In the event that the assumption indicated above does not hold: The PHPT will not have the technical staff for this plan. Alternative: Engage consultants on short term (6 months) basis
9 Strategic Goal 1: Letsema Mobilisation Campaign Output/ResultKey ActivitiesTime Frames 1.Achieve 100% awareness of the PHP option in all nine (9) pilot settlements targeted for upgrading 2. Active community participation in housing delivery 1. Design a communication strategy in consultation with (provinces, municipalities) 1.2. Develop promotional material (caps, T- shirts etc) 1.3. Host a media launch of the awareness campaign 1.4. Conduct a mobilization road show to four Provinces (1 per Qtr) 2.1. Address community meetings. (Nine meetings or one per Province) 2.2. Distribute promotional material to all nine (9) pilot settlements May 05 June 05 Jul 05 – Mar 06 Jul 05 – Mar 06 Jul 05
10 Strategic Goal 1 Cont/d: Letsema Mobilisation Output/ResultKey ActivitiesTime Frames 3. Guidelines produced to facilitate private sector contribution to community involvement and skills transfer 3.1. Develop guidelines booklet 3.2. Engage Private Sector in five (5) meetings – five Provinces Sept 05 Oct 05 – March 06
11 Strategic Goal 2: Capacity Building Output/ResultKey ActivitiesTime Frames 4. Total one hundred and forty three Municipalities are capacitated to implement PHP projects Free State 25 Limpompo 32 KwaZulu Natal 61 North West Design and develop training material for support organisations 4.2. Conduct five (5) training workshops one per Qtr for municipalities 4.3. Produce training video for continuous use 4.5. Monitoring and evaluation reports (1 per Qtr) June 05 Jul 05 - Mar 06 Oct 05 Jul 05 - Mar 06
12 Strategic Goal 2 Cont/d: Capacity Building Output/ResultKey ActivitiesTime Frames 5. Skilled beneficiaries in informal settlements that are targeted for upgrading Partnerships: NDoH NGO’s Private sectors 5.1. Conduct three (3) skills audit reports including training needs in informal settlements targeted for upgrading (3 pilots) 5.2. Develop and maintain a skills database on people in informal settlement targeted for upgrading 5.3. Design a skills training programme based on needs 5.4. Conduct three (3) training workshops July 05 – March 06 September onward Dec 05 Jan 06 – March 06
13 Strategic Goal 2 Cont/d Capacity Building Output/ResultKey ActivitiesTime Frames 6. Youth empowered with skills for sustainable employment 6.1. Design a youth skills transfer programme with partners: Department of Labour Extended Public Works Programme (EPWP) National Youth Service Unit (National Youth Commission) Private Sector 6.2. Train one fifty (50) youth per Province. May 05 Sept 05 – March 06
14 PARTNERSHIPS IN SKILLS TRANSFER AND JOB CREATION Skills Transfer (Capacity Building) Job Creation Small Business Development Increased PHP Housing delivery NYSU National Youth Service Unit EPWP Extended Public Works Programme PHP People’s Housing Process COMMENT: This model will be driven by PHP projects (workplace opportunities).
15 Strategic Goal 2 Cont/d: Capacity Building Output/ResultKey ActivitiesTime Frames 7. Youth involvement in SMME created in partnership with Umsombomvu 7.1. Initiate SMME Youth Partnership programme with Umsombomvu 7.2. Five (5) brick-making, painting, window frames making etc. in each Province (12 Nationally per Otr) May 05 Ongoing
16 Strategic Goal 3: Job Creation Output/ResultKey ActivitiesTime Frames 8. Sustainable employment created for youth 8.1. Initiate five (5) support organisations in each Province (total: 45 forty five) 8.2. Identify other PHP projects (work place opportunities) 8.3. Recruit and place four hundred and fifty (450) youth in projects 8.4. Monitor quarterly (one report) June 05 – March 06 July Sept 05 – March 06
17 Strategic Goal 4: Building PHPT Institutional Capacity Output/ResultKey ActivitiesTime Frames 9. A fully resourced People’s Housing Partnership Trust in place Sustainable employment created for youth 9.1. Design and develop an institutional plan 9.2. Implement the Institutional plan April 05 June 05
18 National Forum of Heads of Department Ministry of Housing DG Department CEO PHPT Function Board of Trustees PHPT Finance Manager Personal Assistant Multilateral Forum NDOH PHPT UNCHS UNDP USAID COMMS Manager COMMS Officer Admin Officer Provincial Co-ordinators x3 Strategic Management Function PHPT INSTITUTIONAL ORGANOGRAM TOTAL STAFF: 10
19 IT/Communication Technology Schedule TYPE TARGET BUDGET Hardware PC’s424, Notebooks230, Printers00 Fax Machines00 Scanner12, Data video projector130, TV/Video14, Overhead projector02, Digital Camera15, Cameras00 Flipcharts00 White boards00 Cell phones – Official23, CD Writer11, Software Office software upgrades (MS Word)36, Research software330, TOTAL 138,500.00
20 Operating Cost Schedule TYPEBUDGETEDTARGET Maintenance40, Allowances – Contract workers40, Courier/Freight services20, Cell phones - Official36, Postage2, Advertisements240, Entertainment & Hospitality20, Student allowances00 Bank charges20, Printing40, Rental of equipment40, Insurance00 Subtotal243, TOTAL486,000.00
21 Material cost schedule TYPEBUDGETEDTARGET Stationery20, Office consumables40, Subtotal60, TOTAL120, Summarised resources cost schedule [2005 – 2006] TYPE2005 – – 2007 HR Schedule2,248, ,599, Programme Activity costs5,815, ,846, IT/Technology schedule138, , Infrastructure schedule00 Material schedule/Stationery22, , Operating cost schedule496, , TOTAL 8,720, ,154, 10% Cost escalation per annum is assumed 2005/2006 funding from existing USAID disbursements to PHPT according to cash projections 2006/2007 DoH Funding
22 CONCLUSION: PHPT Major Activities for 2005/ Letsema Campaign Focus on creating awareness of and participation in PHP from communities in informal settlements targeted for upgrading Achieve 100% awareness of the PHP option in these settlements 2.Skills transfer and job creation Focus on youth in communities where PHP projects are taking place Produce guidelines (booklet) for major contractors who must transfer skills and create jobs Achieve industry buy-in for community involvement in major projects
23 3. Partnerships with EPWP and NYSU 4. Increased PHP housing delivery Engage the youth in PHP projects to scale up delivery An estimated 100 young people in each province to be deployed in PHP projects.