Proposal of interface between GUS + Call Center and Experiments GDB Meeting – Klaus-Peter Mickel GridKa Karlsruhe
Abteilung DASI / R.Kupsch Klaus-Peter Mickel, GridKa GDB-Meeting Support in the Grid Environment Cern User Support (CUS) Experiment integration? Solves deployment problems (LCG) Experiment Specific User Support (ESUS) Solves experiment specific user problems Grid Operations Centre (GOC) at RAL Monitoring, Security, Accounting of Grid Co-operates with system administrators Doesn‘t want direct contact with users Global Grid User Support (GGUS): Karlsruhe, Taipei Solves Grid specific problems Co-operates with users Started with support for GridKa Users (02 Oct. 2003) Interacts with CUS, ESUS and GOC
Abteilung DASI / R.Kupsch Klaus-Peter Mickel, GridKa GDB-Meeting Structures for a centralized Helpdesk Middleware & Interfaces Central Helpdesk Application Workflow engine Universal Database for GRID related problems Universal Database for GRID related problems Resources and Status VO DB Web-Interface for user interaction Reporting & Analysis Middleware & Interfaces JAVA Client XML Mail User ESUS, CUS, GOC Central User DB
Abteilung DASI / R.Kupsch Klaus-Peter Mickel, GridKa GDB-Meeting GGUS Goals We have to build and maintain a centralized and universally usable database for all GRID related problems This database will act as a central repository for reporting, knowledge base and base for quality assurance, and will represent a mighty tool for all kinds of development GGUS offers the possibility to extend the GGUS problem management tools for the needs of others, especially for ESUS Our idea is to provide an experiment specific collection of problems at one place, with extended features, like cross experiment search or other features.
Abteilung DASI / R.Kupsch Klaus-Peter Mickel, GridKa GDB-Meeting How to achieve these goals Write a paper "ESUS and GGUS collaboration" done Ask ESUS representatives about the concept done (First answer received ) Incorporate feedback of ESUS representatives to do Extend collaboration with GOC for status information and enhancing the GGUS portal, based on ESUS (and CUS) needs meeting foreseen: 08 March Prepare and discuss final concept for collaboration between ESUS and GGUS February/March Start implementing final concept April/May
Abteilung DASI / R.Kupsch Klaus-Peter Mickel, GridKa GDB-Meeting Some details to do for achieving the goals Exact definition of responsibilities Define processes und electronic workflows Define views within the GGUS Remedy system Develop and deploy status information tools for ESUS in conjunction with GOC (based on the tools already implemented for GridKa) Develop and deploy web interface for users (extend the existing one, based on the ESUS requirements) Develop and deploy web interface and workflows for ESUS (extend the existing one, based on the ESUS requirements)