Maternity Patient Experience at Morecambe Bay 2014/15 Results All women who give birth are given our Maternity Patient Experience Questionnaire. This questionnaire provides an opportunity for women to tell us about their antenatal, birth and postnatal experiences. Results are analysed quarterly and the data collected allows us to continuously monitor our services and make improvements when required. QuestionResults Antenatal Q5 Were the choices available for your pregnancy and birth, fully discussed with you? 97% Q7 Were you offered a choice of where to have your baby? 82% Q8 Did you have all the information you needed to help you make that choice? 85% Q20 Did you discuss your choices for labour and birth before 36 weeks in your pregnancy? 85% Q21. Did you make a birth plan before 36 weeks in your pregnancy? 66% Q24 How satisfied were you with your antenatal care?96% of respondents were satisfied or very satisfied Q25. Do you feel you were treated with kindness and respect during the antenatal period? Midwives 98% Doctors 88 % (9% No Response) Q27 Do you feel you and your partner were fully informed and involved in the decisions about your pregnancy? You 96% Partner 89% (9% No Response) 2014/2015 Results Labour Q31 Did you feel you had one-to-one care during labour?92% Q32 Did you feel you were kept informed if progress throughout your labour? 91% Q34 Did you have confidence in the midwife caring for you in labour? 92% Q35 How satisfied were you with your care during labour? 93% of respondents were satisfied or very satisfied Q36. Do you feel you were treated with kindness and respect during labour and birth? Midwives 96% Doctors 85 % (13% NR) Q38. Do you feel you and your partner were fully informed and involved in the decisions about your labour and birth? You 94% Partner 88% (9% NR) PeriodReturnsBirthsResponse Rate 2014/ % Response Rate You said…..….We did Did not see the same midwife Too little visits in post natal period Ongoing recruitment drive to recruit additional 16 community midwives which will enable more continuity in antenatal and post natal care Small food portions Not enough healthy choice Alterations made to meal provisions-increase in healthy choices/ milk/ yoghurts/fruit snacks Maternity wards able to pick multiple choices on menus Vending machine at FGH with healthier choices Nutrition link staff identified to attend Trust nutrition meetings to represent Maternity New trolley system in place at RLI and FGH allowing greater choice and portion choice Not enough information UHMB Maternity website live on UHMB Internet with detail regarding the service and links to national webpages Booking packs and patient information reviewed and updated Full review of all patient information and process in place to update all leaflets and leaflets go through service users for comments Contact numbers provided if urgent access to midwives required Attitudes of staff/ not listened too/ poor communication All midwives attended additional training including customer care/culture awareness. Maternity services committed to 6cs-care, compassion, competence, communication, courage, commitment and training given to all front line maternity staff The national ‘Hello My Name Is... ‘ campaign has now been rolled out across the Trust I spent several days in hospital prior to birth due to complications. The staff on ward 17 were fantastic. I couldn’t have asked for better ante/post- natal care I feel the delivery staff were amazing, very supportive/ encouraging me to make own decisions regarding care/wishes. Excellent staff, feel so pleased to have had positive experience despite the complications, I cannot praise enough Food – fantastic, loved it all The antenatal care was wonderful. I was always made to feel encouraged and support and at ease This questionnaire allows women to raise any concerns they have about our services. We use these comments to improve our services……. How can you help? We want to provide the best patient experience possible, to women who give birth within our service. Patient experience feedback is crucial to allow us to continually monitor our service from a service user perspective and make improvements. Please complete your questionnaires and provide honest feedback If you would like to be involved in maternity services, please contact: Get involved- Maternity Matters Postnatal Care Q43 Was your length of stay appropriate to your needs?92% Q44 Did you feel well supported at home by midwifery staff? 94% Q47. Did you feel you had enough information, advice and support on infant feeding? 91% Q48 Were you given contact numbers for your midwife on discharge? 93% Q49 Were you given contact numbers for the hospital on discharge? 95% Q50 Do you feel you received enough visits at home?92 % Q52 How satisfied were you with your post natal care?92% of respondents were satisfied or very satisfied Q53 Do you feel you were treated with kindness and respect during the post natal period? Midwives 94% Doctors 83% (16% NR) Q55 Do you feel you and your partner were fully informed and involved in the decisions about your post natal care You 95% Partner 86% (12% NR) There are many positives comments raised through both the questionnaire and friends and family test……