HRD 687-Internship Highlights University of Southern Maine Office of Community Based Learning Tina McDonald
Office of Community Based Learning Connects students with community service/volunteer opportunities, service learning courses and internships. Facilitates service learning partnerships between community agencies and faculty. Performs community outreach and builds relationships with community partners Educates faculty about incorporating service learning into their curriculum Offers support and guidance to students, faculty and community partners involved in service learning Assists students with career planning and internship placement
Internship Responsibilities Community Outreach Website Development Testimonials Liaison for short term volunteer opportunities
Community Outreach Build relationships within community Identify needs of agencies Educate partners about service learning and brainstorm opportunities for collaboration Develop comprehensive list of community partners and their needs for website so students and faculty could access
Website Development Developed resource list/page for faculty to access who are exploring service learning opportunities Developed resource page listing all of our community partners for students to access who are interested in community service or volunteer opportunities Developed and maintain resource page for short term volunteer opportunities within community
I am in the process of further enhancing the faculty section of our website. There is a lot of development that the website needs as a whole but given time constraints we decided the faculty section is most important given the direction USM is heading and the importance being placed on service learning and connection with the community…….
Testimonials I have been collecting service learning testimonials in the form of videos and pictures and quotes from students, faculty and community partners to add to our website. This has proved a very enriching experience that has helped educate me as to the positive impact service learning has on all those involved.
USM students say that service learning and volunteering has ….. Changed their life Helped them figure out a career direction Made them enjoy learning Helped them grow Helped them learn how to better communicate Made them excited about going to school Helped them better relate to others
USM Faculty say that service learning … Engages their students Enhances student learning Gives them control of their own learning Improves retention Opens their eyes to other viewpoints Encourages collaboration Helps students learn how to problem solve Enhances students critical thinking skills
Testimonial of John Voyer, Professor of Business Administration
Community Partners say service learning and volunteers ………. Make it possible for their program to exist Make it possible to offer more programming to clients Help meet many varied needs with the organization Are vital to their success Offer unique and dynamic perspectives Help them improve services and streamline processes
Testimonial of Glenn Nerbak, Director of Portland Mentoring Alliance
Liaison for short term service opportunities …. Point person for all agencies to contact who have short term volunteer needs Manage short term service webpage Seek out short term opportunities for students within the community
Skill Development and acquired knowledge (for me) …… Website editing/development Video editing Community outreach/relationship building Service Learning and it’s importance Self awareness
My next few weeks will be spent conducting and editing testimonials for the website and further developing the faculty section of the website ……
My internship with the Office of Community Based Learning has exceeded my expectations. It has opened my eyes to an area of Higher Education I wasn ’ t familiar with and now as a result of my internship am passionate about.