Stress Management Stress Management Foley High School
What is STRESS ?? a response of the body to a variety of internal and external stimuli
Good or Bad? Stress can be positive or negative! Striving for perfection causes stress but can also make you highly motivated or excited, which allows you to achieve more than you would under normal circumstances.
List 10 things that stress you out! Label them as follows: ($) Money ($) (P) Parents (P) (F) Friends (F) (S) School (S) (O) Other (O)
Results of Stress Good Good CreativityGoal-oriented Sense of control High energy level EnduranceStamina. Bad memory loss anxiety / depression irritability poor time management poor concentration health problems behavioral issues
Variables for Stress Reaction Source of the stressorSource of the stressor Crisis experienceCrisis experience Multiple stressorsMultiple stressors Your perception of the stressorYour perception of the stressor Knowledge and preparationKnowledge and preparation Stress tolerance & personalityStress tolerance & personality Support network.Support network.
Medical Costs About 70% of all medical expenses are from stress related illness. Most people cite stress as an initial prompt for beginning drug/alcohol use. The New York Times reported on Sept. 4, 2005 that workplace stress costs the nation more than $300 billion each year in health care.
Sources of Stress for Teens Changing Relationship with Peers Responsibilities to their Families Changing Schools Death of a Loved One Separation or Divorce of parents Pubertal Changes Boyfriend/Girlfriend Problems College Decisions Academic Success Social Pressure Financial Problems Extra-Curricular Demands / Burnout Physical Appearance Work / Job
Stress Warning Signs Emotional Symptoms Moodiness Agitation Restlessness Short temper Impatience Feeling tense,overwhelmed Depression, general unhappiness Feeling neglected,lonely,isolated
Stress Warning Signs Physical Symptoms Headaches or backaches Muscle tension and stiffness Nausea or vomiting Weight gain or loss Skin Breakouts Fatigue Chest Pain Frequent colds Dizziness
Stress Warning Signs Cognitive Symptoms Memory Problems Indecisiveness Inability to concentrate Poor judgment Negativity Constant worrying Loss of objectivity Fearful anticipation/anxious thoughts
Stress Warning Signs Behavioral Symptoms Eating more or less Sleeping too much or too little Isolating yourself from others Using drugs or alcohol Exploding in anger Over reacting Overdoing activities Nervous habits Loss of interest in school/relationships
6 Dimensions of Wellness SOCIALPHYSICALIntellectualEmotionalSpiritualOccupational
7 Health Habits to Increase Life Expectancy 1.Adequate Sleep 2.Weight Maintenance 3.Non-smoking 4.Moderate Alcohol 5.Regular Exercise 6.Eating Breakfast 7.Minimal Snacking
Girl Pride Stress Management Workshop Jessie Coral Hayley Lindsey Lindsey M c Peer Leaders 2011
Dot, Yoga Instructor
T ips to Reduce Stress Take deep breaths accompanied by thoughts of being in control. Set small goals and break tasks into smaller manageable chunks. Create a schedule and master time management. Exercise and eat regularly; avoid excessive caffeine. Focus on things you can control; let go of the rest. Be assertive with others. It’s OK to say NO! Talk about problems with others. Develop a support system. Change unrealistic expectations. Schedule breaks and enjoyable activities. Practice relaxation techniques: deep breathing, yoga, muscle release, etc. MOST IMPORTANT… Self-Esteem Accepting yourself as you are and identifying unique strengths and building on them. Realize that no one is perfect!