International Forum I st UN Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (1996/2006) New York November 2006 Working Together, Building Partnerships Stefania Marcone Head-officer International Relations
Cooperatives… Autonomous association of people United voluntarily to meet common economic, social and cultural needs Through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise Globally Employing more than 100 million people Associating more than 800 million individual members Contribute significantly to economic and social development and to the reduction of poverty
International Cooperative Alliance Apex Organization representing cooperatives worldwide 230 member organizations from 92 countries The ICA and the ILO have joined forces to tap the potential of cooperatives for poverty reduction through: Creating economic opportunities; Providing basic protection and security Empowering local communities
Cooperate out of Poverty: Global Co-operative Campaign Harnessing the financial and ethical strength of the world co- operative movement Demonstrating the co-operative response to poverty reduction globally Strengthening co-operative enterprise locally Living the Co-operative Principles Building cooperative solidarity
We, as National Cooperative Apex Organization, act in this international framework…
Multi-sectoral Cooperative Organization More than 15,000 cooperatives More than employees More than 7 million members What is Legacoop
Traditionally active in cooperation for development and solidarity activities Promotion of cooperative development in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Eastern and Central Europe Promotion of cooperative values and culture Advocacy and lobbying (national, European and international level) Building of partnerships Legacoop activities
Fair trade/solidarity Coop brand “SOLIDAL” 10 million € turnover 2 million € go to local producers 80% with Latin America Africa and Asia Membership commitment Coop Solidarity 4 million € devoted to solidarity projects “Water for Peace” Campaign Support to childhood Defence of the rights of workers
Cooperativa Sin Fronteras 25 cooperatives, 10 from Latin-American countries Empowerment of local producers, networking, enhancement of local markets Fair trade/networking
Economic Development against AIDS Granarolo – dairy factory in Tanzania Dairy production for local markets Reducing the diffusion of aids among children, through the promotion of self development Ensure healthy food for local population, mainly children Provide jobs for adults and parents Promote social economy Full training for workers, technical assistance, management services
Reconstruction, Empowerment, Peace Tsunami - Fund raising campaign Long term reconstruction and rehabilitation of cooperatives Direct beneficiaries members of cooperatives Indirect beneficiaries members’ households and local community Microcredit and gender focus NCC local partner August 2006 II phase of the project Training, organizational building, know how transfer
Economic Empowerment of Palestinian rural Women Project - financed by Europe Aid and run in partnership with Negev Institute (Israel) and YEP (Palestine) Direct beneficiaries 120 Palestinian rural women Vocational training, know how transfer and cooperative networking Empowerment, Peace …enhancing peace through gender empowerment and socio economic development
Cooperatives, all over the world, do their part to attain the global target of poverty reduction, focusing on: mutual partnerships, responsibility, commitment, solidarity and self-help. THANK YOU
Development of Co-operativism Pro.Coop. Promotion of Cooperative enterprises in Central, Eastern and Balkan Europe to increase economical and social cohesion Institutional Building and partnerships among coops in Argentina Know how transfer to MNER 180 enterprises, mostly workers’ cooperatives employing over 14,000 workers Brazil – a multiregional project Support to local cooperative movement in partnership with the Brazilian Federal Government