BRCC International Travel Open house February 3, 2007 Sponsored by: BRCC International Education Committee
First Things First: Getting a Passport Application Process Fee Photo What to copy and where to keep copies while traveling
Getting Ready Resources for research Important phone numbers Registering at U.S. embassies for extended stays
Getting Ready, cont. Exploring cultural resources Packing tips Reviewing your insurance 1.Coverage Terms, including medical 2.Evacuation clauses 3.Trip cancellation
Getting Ready, continued Make a copy of all prescriptions and have these with you; have a sufficient amount for the entire time Designate a power of attorney and have one copy with you and leave another with the person responsible, or p.a.
Getting Ready: Bon Voyage! Airport issues Money matters: 1.ATM cards accessible in most places 2.Traveler’s checks are no longer preferred 3. Credit card for cash advance is helpful
On Your Way… All of us are ambassadors… 1. Be aware of images of “Americans abroad” 2. Heed travel warnings, especially post 9/11 3. We reflect who we travel with; we reflect on our culture, our country and on ourselves
On Your Way… Our laws do not cover us when we are abroad Be aware of the laws of the host country Understand that the law of the land applies to travelers as well as citizens
Staying Safe Keep details of accommodation, hosts and itinerary with you. Use the buddy system. Do not share information about your itinerary with strangers Inquire in detail, with a map, about local areas that might be dangerous Make a plan for your free time and use a guidebook that is no more than 2 years old
Culture Shock Culture shock is normal and it happens to everyone Culture shock has recognizable stages Understanding culture shock is the best way to deal with the experience Share feelings and do not isolate yourself from your travel group Keep healthy, hydrated and as rested as possible (given all the excitement of a journey abroad!)
More Opportunities Once you travel and return, it’s likely that you may want to do some more exploring. Our handout lists a range of travel and overseas study experiences for the student and non-student BRCC also has opportunities for you! Have a wonderful and safe trip!!