Narita International Airport members: 4a1c0015 王芊惠 4a1c0017 徐麗君 4a1c0019 田育淇 4a1c0021 吳宜靜 4a1c0043 高藝芳
Narita International Airport is situated 57.5 km from the center of Tokyo city. It is easily accessible by road, railway and high-speed ferry. Mileage
The fastest way to Tokyo is JR Narita Express.( 成田特快,簡稱 NEX) It takes about one hour with one-way ticket and all are reserved seat. One way ticket is 2900 yen. The NEX leaves 30 to 60 minutes. Japanese Railway(JR)
First, take Keisei Electric Railway from Narita International Airport to Nippori. ( 日暮里 站 )It takes about 75 minutes and would be 1000 yen. Second, transfer to the JR Yamate Line( 山手 線 ) or JR Keihintouhokusen( 京濱東北線 ) to the Tokyo Station. It takes 10 minutes and would be 150 yen. Keisei Electric Railway
The bus leaves 15 to 20 minutes. one-way takes 80 to 100 minutes. The cost is 3000 yen. Bus
The cost is 20,000 yen. To the center of Tokyo takes 60 to 90 minutes. Taxi
We will choose Keisei Electric Railway because it is more cheaper. But if you want to more quicker to Tokyo, you can choose Japanese Railway. Conclusion