Renewable and Non-Renewable Resource
Energy To produce energy one form of energy is converted into another. Electric generator – Uses energy of motion Turbine – Uses a spinning device to create motion that produces energy – Electricity of moving water (Hydro-Electric Power)
Energy 32k&feature=relate 32k&feature=relate
Non-Renewable Resource a natural resource which cannot be produced, grown, generated, or used on a scale which can sustain its consumption ratenatural resourcesustain consumed much faster than nature can create them
Fossil fuels (such as coal, petroleum and natural gas) Fossil fuelscoalpetroleum natural gas Nuclear power (uranium)uranium 6wY&feature=related 6wY&feature=related
A coal mine in Wyoming. Coal, produced over millions of years, is an inherently finite and non-renewable resource on a human time scale.coal mineWyomingCoal
Renewable Resource A natural resource is a renewable resource if it is replaced by natural processes at a rate comparable or faster than its rate of consumption by humans. MEio MEio
Renewable Resource Solar energy – energy derived directly from the SunSun – ed ed Tides Winds Hydroelectricity – energy derived from the movement of water in rivers and oceans Timber Geothermal power – natural flow of heat from the ground. Biomass –
Wind RRk&feature=related RRk&feature=related 9tQg 9tQg
Front Cover:Title: Name of energy source Picture of Energy source Name/#/Date Back Cover:Interesting facts Picture Page 2 (Inside) How to harvest energy source (covert to useable energy)- Explain the process step by step Define your energy source in terms of being a Renewable or Non-Renewable Resource Pros and Cons of your energy source Energy Conservation Pictures or diagrams Layout/FormattingColour scheme Spacing, organization Font size enlarged and easy to read Colours and text easy to read Logical flow ResourcesText book 2 other resources Quote and cite resources