Possible Fuel Options for Your Car
Types of Non-renewable Fuel Gasoline – 100% gasoline from oil Diesel – 100% diesel from oil Natural Gas – 100% Natural gas Electricity – “Fuel” from power plants (Coal, Natural Gas, Nuclear) Hydrogen Fuel Cell – When hydrogen comes from non-renewable sources (Coal, Natural Gas)
Types of renewable fuel Ethanol – Fuel from corn, soybeans, etc. (Flex Fuel vehicles) Biodiesel – Fuel from vegetable oils Electricity – From renewable sources (wind, solar, etc.) Hydrogen Fuel Cell – When hydrogen comes from renewable sources (H20 and electricity from renewables)
Types of mixed energy sources *Gasohol* – Ethanol and gasoline mixture, usually 10%/90% *What you are using right now Biodiesel Blend – Mixture of biodiesel and diesel Hybrids – Usually gasohol/electricity
What is a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car? A hydrogen fuel cell car is a car that runs on hydrogen. A “fuel cell” takes hydrogen gas and combines it with oxygen to make water. This chemical reaction creates electricity to power the car. The exhaust is water. http://videos.howstuffworks.com/discovery/30532-one-step-beyond-hydrogen-fuel-cell-cars-video.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oy8dzOB-Ykg
Pros/Cons of Hydrogen Fuel Cells - Does not use oil for fuel!!! - No air pollution Reduced global warming Cons: Expensive to make Need infrastructure – fuel stations Fuel tank is big – fuel is a gas not liquid Getting hydrogen from Natural Gas or using electricity to break apart water
Problems with Non-renewables Dirty Air and water which hurts humans and environment Relatively cheap right now but it is going to get really expensive!! Climate change (Global Warming)
Problems with renewables Too expensive and not enough fuel to replace non-renewable sources Makes food more expensive (Ethanol – Corn) Infrastructure (Example: Change all gas stations into hydrogen fuel stations?) New technology – Reliable??
So what is going to make our cars run in the future instead of gasoline from oil? That will be up to you….
How to make biodiesel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LR1M7ThM-tE 0-3:30 and 7:30-11:00