Expectations for Mr. Henderson’s Classes
Behavior Honor the Lord and respect one another, the teacher, and the material: Attitudes Actions Words
Procedures 1.Be on time – that means you are seated and prepared before the late bell rings. 2. Be prepared 3. Be in uniform and be sure it is worn properly 4. No cell phones or other electronics 5. Follow directions as given
Academics Take notes as given Complete work as assigned and turn in when due. Do all work neatly, or you will rewrite it. You may type work if possible. Yes, spelling counts! It counts in life so it counts in class. Your education is your responsibility - always do your best.
Materials 1. Book 2. Workbook (if necessary) 3. Notebook (folder with loose-leaf paper or spiral with pockets) 4. Pens (blue or black) 5. Colored pencils.