Marine Science Careers FLT – I will gain an understanding of the wide variety of careers within the Marine Sciences.
Today’s Assignment Each one of you is going to become an expert in a field within the Marine Sciences. I will be giving you a handout that has words, pictures or both that describes a career within the Marine Sciences. At the top of your paper you will write a basic sentence saying what that occupation would be.
Table CareerDescriptionSignature You will need 18 rows for the 18 careers in class.
Now… You will need to talk to each one of your classmates and exchange the information on the job that you are an expert on. You will need to get their signature to show me that you actually talked to them.
JobDescription Marine Biology/Vet Marine Stranding Team Member Biologist Aquaculturist Fisherman Geologist Chemist Hydrologist
JobDescription Physicist Meteorologist Field Researcher Lab Researcher Archeologist Environmentalist Educator SCUBA Diver
JobDescription Ecotourism Guide Photographer Videographer
Learning Log Write a one page summary on what you learned through today’s activity about marine careers. I want you to include: What did you learn about the diversity of careers? What did you notice they had in common? Pick four careers that you would be interested and tell why.