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Presentation transcript:


HERBAL AND NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS Herbal medicine also known as: Botanical medicine Phytotherapy Herbal medicine is used by 80% of the world’s population. More than 750 herbs are available on the market. About $ 5 billion a year is the cost of herbal medicine in the USA. Herb

HOW HERBS WORK Synergism Phytonutrients Antioxidants

SYNERGISM The action of more than one ingredient in the herbs produces specific therapeutic effects. Example: Tea tree oil Has many ingredients Each ingredient by itself does not have a strong antimicrobial effect. But a combination of more than 8 ingredients in the oil produces antimicrobial ability. Due to this complexity in tea tree oil, microbes will have difficulties developing resistance. This is opposite of what we see in conventional medicine today. Microbes are getting resistant to antibiotics.

PHYTONUTRIENTS Chemicals found in the plants that make them biologically active. They serve as defense mechanisms against insects. They are in groups that enhance the healing effect of each other. They are the source for: Plant’s color Plant’s flavor Plant’s natural disease resistance

PHYTONUTRIENTS Example of phytonutrients: Alkaloids Bitter principles Carbohydrates Carotenoids Essential oils Fatty oils Glycosides Isoflavones Tannins See Textbook page 125 for properties and use/effects.

ANTIOXIDANTS Group of: They protect body from free radicals Vitamins Minerals Enzymes Herbs They protect body from free radicals Free radicals naturally occur in the body. Some of the oxygen molecules lose one pair of electrons as the body goes through normal process to fuel the body. Consequently, they attempt to use the extra oxygen from the other stable molecules.

PRODUCTION OF FREE RADICALS Internal sources: Oxygen consumption Emotional stress Strenuous exercise External sources: Air pollution Cigarette smoke Factory exhaust Car exhaust Pesticides Herbicides Food contaminants Chemotherapy Radiation

ANTIOXIDANTS Control the free radicals. They act as free radicals scavengers. We produce less antioxidants as we age. Dietary antioxidants are advised as we age or become ill.

ANTIOXIDANTS Sources of Antioxidants Vitamin C Vitamin E Carotenoids Selenium Fruits and vegetables Herbs such as: Bilberry Ginkgo Grape seed extract Green tea Fruits and vegetables

SAFETY Plants were used safely in the past by our elders due to their knowledge and wisdom. The safety of uses is not clear today. Plants and herbs may interact with prescribed and over the counter (OTC) medications. So, it should be supervised by a practitioner knowledgeable in the field of integrative medicine. Nurse practitioners, knowledgeable in herbal medicine, can be excellent integrative practitioners to prescribe herbs and nutritional supplements. Please advise your patients to seek professional help.