AADHAR TECHNOLOGY Gurneet Kaur, Nitin Mangal
What is Aadhar? Unique Identification Number linked to a person’s demographic and biometric information. Mission is full enrolment of all Indian residents, with special focus on poor and under privileged. One of the main aim is to improve service delivery to the poor.
What problem Aadhar solves? Existing identity databases are laden with problems of fraud and duplicate entries. Aadhar will prevent this by ensuring proper information verification. Suitable measures will be taken to include people lacking identification documents.
Aadhar Architecture
Entities & Roles UIDAI Will develop Aadhar database initially Will provide standards to be followed Registrars Operate to provide enrolment services Eg. Dept in state govt, banks, telephone companies Enrolment agency Provide necessary conditions for enrolment of residents Collect demographic data prior to enrolment drive
Entities & Roles Introducer Authorized by UIDAI or Registrar Mechanism introduce to allow for missing documents Typically officials, school teachers, aanganwadi folks Resident Indian national who wishes to obtain UIDAI
Features Enrolment on proper verification Demographic and biometric information Central ID Repository (CIDR) A central UID database will be maintained Leverage existing infrastructure Partner with agencies to act as ‘Registrars’ who will issue Aadhar after connecting with CIDR
Features (contd) Online authentication Provide way for agencies to compare data with CIDR Resident privacy All transactions with CIDR result only in ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ Security Aadhar database will use latest security features
Network Security Sensitive data flows over the network between the registrars and the UIDAI Data encrypted using the public key provided by the registrar. Registrar maintains the pair securely.
De-Duplication Comparison using biometric data (iris and ten fingerprints) – only one chance to enter database. Enormous computing power needed – large “grid” of networked computers will be used. Complex algorithms to quickly compare biometrics have been procured from specialist vendors.
Application hosted in CIDR Enrolment – serves client enrolment request Authentication – identity authentication services Fraud Detection – misrepresentation of information Administrative – user management, role, access Analytics and Reporting – statistics, aggregate level Information – information about the system Contact Center – query the database Logistics – data, printing
UBCC UIDAI Biometric Centre of Competence To design biometric systems that enables India to achieve uniqueness in the national registry UBCC will specify initial biometric systems and enhance features at regular intervals Constantly innovate to push the state of the art in biometrics to achieve UIDAI’s objectives.