Jesus Loves Me 1860 Anna Bartlett Warner ( )
Jesus Loves Me this I know, for the Bible tells me so 1 Cor 2:6-13; Rom 16:25-27; 1 Jn 3:16; Gal 2:20
Jesus Loves Me little ones to Him belong; they are weak, but He is strong! Mt 19:13-15; 21:14-16
Jesus Loves Me He who died, heaven’s gates to open wide Mt 27:51; Heb 10:19-20; 6:19-20 He will wash away my sin, let His little child come in. Mt 19:14; Rev 7:9; 13-17
Jesus Loves Me loves me still, though I’m very weak and ill; from His shining throne on high, comes to watch me where I lie. Lk 8:40-42, 49-56; Rom 8:38-39
Jesus Loves Me He will stay close beside me all the way then His little child will take up to heaven for His dear sake. Heb 13:5; 2 Sam 12:21-23; 2 Tim 4:16-18
Jesus Loves Me Yes, Jesus loves me, The Bible tells me so.
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