SUPERVISED STUDY WHAT? WHY? A time to… work on unfinished homework. seek additional assistance from teachers. visit the LRC for research or to check out/return books. catch up on personal reading. get organized.
SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Field Trip - 8 th grade cruise (May) Open House (February) Moving On Celebration
Sign up for Parent – Teacher conferences will be online. Fall – October Spring – March 20-21
Canvas! Lincoln Web page Academic teams tab Heroes
Infinite Campus and Canvas Check IC regularly for the most up-to- date information about your child’s grade. This is also how students will register for high school classes. Check Canvas for assignments If you have lost your login – see Mrs. Thompson
GRADING TIMELINES Midterm reports are posted in October, January, and April Trimester report cards are mailed home in November, February, and May
Discipline Intervention
Contacting your teachers There are links from Lincoln’s website. teachers from the website Log on to Canvas and Infinite Campus from the website