WHAT IS CARNIVAL ? Carnival is typical for lots of regions in Germany It is called „ the fifth season of the year“ The people like to be crazy and funny They dress up themselves and they wear coloured costumes and masks In january and february there are lots of carnival parades in Germany The children like to watch the parade because they often get sweets Some participants have great and beautiful waggons
HISTORY OF CARNIVAL Carnival is the time before the people fast for 6 weeks they have to fast from ash Wednesday to easter They have to fast because jesus died, kids fast - sweets - fighting with brothers, sisters or parents - electronic things (mobile phone,computer) Since the 19 th century carnival exist Every year on 11 th of november at 11 o‘clock and 11 minutes the carnival time begins
FOOD AND DRINKS IN CARNIVAL „Krapfen“ are delicious pastries In carnival time beer is often drunk „Granatsplitter“ are made of cake rests Lots of sweets are eaten „Bratwurstsemmeln“ are sausages in a bun with ketchup or mustard Krapfen BratwurstsemmelGranatsplitter beer
OUR CARNIVAL COSTUME PREPARATION We made masks of gips or plastic … And drew on them and stick feathers and pearls on them After this,we tailored costumes from bed sheets We stuck stickers on our own sweets to give them to the children on the carnival parade
CARNIVAL PARADE We arrived in the morning in Pleinfeld and ate there our breakfast After this we all danced with our exchange partners with typical german carnival music Then we took place on the carnival parade It was a really great adventure for us The viewer were happy and thanked us for the sweets
THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION! That was a presentation of Barbara Volkert and Ronja Gerner