Integrated Pest Management Alliance Grant CalEPA Department of Pesticide Regulation Urban Pest Ant Management
PI - Dr. Michael K. Rust Award: $183,488 January May 2010
Goals of Grant 1.Implement least toxic IPM strategies to control urban pest ants 2. Reduce the amount of insecticide used to control ants 3. Significantly reduce amount of insecticide in water runoff 4. Specifically, reduce by 50% the amount of pyrethroid insecticide applied to control ants
Alliance = partnerships Academics and extension specialists Pest Management companies
Team Members M. Rust J. Klotz L. Greenberg D. Reierson P. Copps – Orkin H. Field – Lloyd K. Willingham – Western Ext. B. Cabrera D. Haver J. Kabashima C. Wilen M. Robertson, DPR
Team Partners ■ Pest Control Operators of California (industry training) ■ Target Specialty Products (training, education) ■ Univar (training, education) ■ Syngenta (manufacturer perspective) ■ County of Santa Clara (government relations, outreach)
IPM: working definition for the PMA grant “Long-term, preventive approach to managing ants that combines biological, cultural, and chemical options. IPM involves a decision-making process based on pest identification, population monitoring, action thresholds, and knowledge of pest biology. Management practices that are effective and economically viable are used in a manner that benefits consumers, urban neighborhoods, and the environment. Pesticides are used judiciously and only as a last resort.”
Tasks 1.PMPs implement individualized traditional vs ‘effective, adoptable, cost-effective’ IPM measures on 2 routes (eg. green chemistry, ‘no-spray zones’) 2. Survey pre and post to determine homeowner perception of ‘success’ (i.e. satisfaction) 3. Document time, cost, application details, etc 4. Develop an educational ant IPM website 5. Seminars and training workshops for PMPs
Year 1 1.Implement traditional vs IPM measures (2 routes for each of 3 PMP companies) 2. Surveys 3. Unveil website 4. Introduce Alliance to PMPs and plan workshops; solicit Team Affiliates Year 2 1. Measure success of IPM program 2. Refine pest ant website 3. Prepare IPM educational material & training module 4. Recruit selected Team Affiliate PMPs Year 3 – report preparation and presentation Timeline