Wolfgang Schuldt Born - September 15, 1927
The first son Wolfgang is born! Check out the dress !
By November 1928 he was a young man
Every 2 year old needs a teddy
1933 at school
1941 and 1943
1943 with the Family
1950 in Germany Wolfgang is the cool guy in the shades !
1950 Youth Group, Germany Wolfgang & brother Christian 1953
1953 Wolfgang works in an Architects office These weren’t the men in black ! They were the men in the white coats !
June 1954 Arrival in Quebec
1955 in Canada, $25 bike
Wolfgang stayed with the senior Otten’s in Canada 1955 Bricklaying in Canada
1956 Wolfgang skiing & hiking
Jan 13,1957 Wolfgang & Inge’s engagement party
May 3, 1957 Wedding Bells Ring for Wolfgang & Inge
First home at Fraser & 57th
1957 Trip to Victoria
Christmas 1957
September 7, 1958 Dorothy is born!
1959 Trip to Germany
Elizabeth was born on July 20, 1961, Margret Dec. 19, 1962
Playing dolls with Margret Carola joins the family on June 16, 1966
1981 Visiting with Henry & Anita & Tom at the Chicago airport on the way to Florida
Florida Christmas Dec. 1981
First grandchild Derrick, born April 1, 1982 Wolfgang writing letters
1985 Wolfgang visits mother in Hamburg
Wolfgang with Liz’s first son, Andrew 1987 and Carola’s first daughter, Jacine 1990
Strasbourg 1991 & hiking at Cypress Bowl 1995
Wolfgang’s 70th Birthday Celebration 1997
1998 Tyrrel Museum in Drumheller, Alberta
Wolfgang & Inge Cruise to Alaska 2001
We all wish you a very happy 75th Birthday ! May the Lord continue to bless you in the years to come !