1 The Evolution of Voting Systems Paul DeGregorio Vice Chairman Donetta Davidson Commissioner The U.S. Election Assistance Commission.


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Presentation transcript:

1 The Evolution of Voting Systems Paul DeGregorio Vice Chairman Donetta Davidson Commissioner The U.S. Election Assistance Commission

2 Voting Systems and the Federal Role EAC commissioners—the evolution of voting systems Brian Hancock of EAC—certifying voting systems Sandy Steinbach of NASED—past, current and future roles Hans von Spakovsky of DOJ—complying with HAVA and DOJ’s role

3 Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) First time federal government has funded an election reform effort Requires that states implement the following Provisional voting Information for voters Administrative complaint procedures Statewide voter registration list Voting systems that meet the requirements of Sec. 301(a) Created the Election Assistance Commission (EAC)

4 Election Assistance Commission Independent, bipartisan agency Four commissioners – two Democrats and two Republicans Gracia Hillman – chair Paul DeGregorio – vice chairman Ray Martinez III Donetta Davidson

5 EAC Responsibilities Per HAVA Distribute and manage HAVA funds Provide guidance to states about HAVA implementation and interpretation Test, certify and decertify voting systems Produce voluntary voting system guidelines Administer the National Voter Registration Act Conduct research and studies to promote effective election administration Provide resources through the EAC Clearinghouse

6 Funding for States More than $3.1 billion distributed to states, territories and D.C. Every state, territory and D.C. has received HAVA funding

7 History of Voting System Guidelines First set developed in 1990 by Federal Election Commission (FEC) Updated in 2002 by FEC HAVA mandated a new update, and transferred responsibility to EAC EAC’s 2005 guidelines will be voluntary--states decide whether to adopt them Guidelines will constantly evolve to keep pace with technology

8 History of Voting System Certification Since 1990, the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) has qualified voting systems Volunteer basis Tested against guidelines developed by FEC HAVA mandated that EAC assume responsibility for certifying voting systems and accrediting test labs NASED in the process of transferring program to EAC EAC has already adopted an initial framework for the certification program

Voluntary Voting System Guidelines Augments and updates 2002 Voting System Standards Addresses the following topics Security issues Wireless technology Software distribution and set-up validation requirements Human factors focusing on voter interaction such as language barriers, accessibility and usability Designed for election officials to ensure that new voting systems function accurately and reliably

Voluntary Voting System Guidelines Guidelines are voluntary—states may adopt in whole, in part or not at all Sec. 301(a) requirements are mandated by HAVA. EAC has issued gap analysis to advise states on compliance Includes components of national certification testing process for all voting systems Public comment period has ended EAC currently reviewing and considering comments

11 Adopting the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines Open, transparent and inclusive process All comments will be posted on website Received more than 4,000 comments Constructive, insightful Some will be considered in future iterations Input came from the public, election officials and technology experts Expect to adopt final version in December

12 Election Reform in 2006 As former election officials, we know the challenges 2006 will bring 2006 ushering in many changes for everyone Implementing statewide voter registration lists Complying with Sec. 301(a) Deciding whether to adopt voluntary voting system guidelines Communication between EAC, DOJ and local and state election officials a top priority We stand ready to provide guidance & assistance

13 Guidelines: An Ongoing Process EAC’s goal is to make sure voting systems are secure and accurate Guidelines must be updated to keep up with advances in voting technology

14 Guidelines: An Ongoing Process EAC and NIST already conducting additional research Wireless technology Software and hardware testing Identifying more forms of independent verification Computer security Usability benchmarks

15 Security Issues Will Continue to be a Top Priority Building trust and improving confidence a top priority for everyone at local, state and federal levels Must ensure that the voting systems that election officials purchase function reliably and accurately EAC proposes that vendors submit software to National Software Reference Library

16 “Assistance” is our Middle Name We are here to assist election officials by providing resources and data. Current research projects underway: Voter ID and provisional voting Effective ballot design Poll worker training, recruitment and retention Legal resources clearinghouse Voter fraud and intimidation Vote count and recount procedures

17 Conclusion Working together we can meet the challenges of election reform in 2006 We want to hear from you! The best solutions and ideas come from state and local election officials We want to share your innovations with your peers How can we help? Questions about implementing HAVA Best practices Research and data that would help you make informed decisions at the local level