First Workshop on European Reference Grids (EuroGrid 2003): Ispra, Italy 27th-29th October 2003 Aggregation and disaggregation of statistics Statistics Denmark Erik Sommer
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Presentation - Content Building a national square grid Disclosure of statistical data Supply and demand Selling statistical data Partnerships Integration with other countries Future work
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, GRIDdata - CLUSTERdata København, Danmark
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Danish National Grid – 5 grid sizes SizeName/NetGrid IDColour 100 kmOverviewKN100kmDK | Grey 10 kmPlace nameKN10kmDK | Green 1 kmBasicKN1kmDK | Red 250 m250 meterKN250mDK | Orange 100 mHectareKN100mDK | Blue
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, m_62237_5749 Aarhus Kongreshus, Amaliegade 23, 8000 C. 1 km- og 100 m-grid
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Grid ID Formel: Prefix+’_’+Str(Div(N/f))+’_’+Str(Div(E/f)) Formel: Prefix+’_’+Str(Div(N/f))+’_’+Str(Div(E/f)) Northing: m Easting: m Northing: m Easting: m 100m_62236_5749
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Specification – National Square Grid UTM projection, zone 32 Datum used is EUREF 89 All cell names must refer to the original UTM32\EUREF89 projection to ensure standardized names.
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Building adresse/street entrance
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, The key to griddata – building address/street entrance
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Placement of addresses – calculated addresses Formel: Prefix+’_’+Str(Div(N/f))+’_’+Str(Div(E/f)) Formel: Prefix+’_’+Str(Div(N/f))+’_’+Str(Div(E/f)) Northing: m Easting: m Northing: m Easting: m 100m_62236_5749
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Person – Home – Dwelling - Workplace
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Placement of addresses – corrected addresses
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, STATISTICAL INFORMATIONSYSTEM Person id: Person number Workplace or education (daytime) Home Dwelling (night-time) Address Health Taxes LabourmarketEducation Social etc CPR Person BBR Building CVR Busines Questionaire Inter- view Parcel
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Guidelines for discloure of data
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Distribution of Households 100 x 100 meter – 1. January 2003, Denmark
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Distribution of Households 1x1 km – 1. January 2003
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Building Block: Number of households
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Options when clustering gridcells Proximity – districts, tradearea required to be a neighbour Optimizing – finding gridcells with equal value without necessarily being a neighbour
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Finding gridcells with equal value without necessarily being a neighbour. Optimizing:
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Input clustering cells
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, OUTPUT: Dataset for Clusters
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Selling statistical data National level Consumermarket Public sector Reserarch Selling directly or through partners
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Segmentation New customers
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Ownership dwelling > 95%
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Householdincome > 65%
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Households with children > 60%
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Ownership > 95% Householdincome > 65% Households with children > 60%
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Calculated addresses
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Calculated addresses
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Access to addresses in Denmark Calculated address coordinates Improved access to public data From 1. January 2003 a number of public data can be used freely. State, counties and municiapalities have made an agreement giving access to different registers including Building Register Data (BBR) and X,Y- address coordinates or
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Conzoom online –
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Nordic maps and griddata (Conzoom online)
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Nordic griddata online (Conzoom)
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Householdstype – singles with no children
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Future work Access to addresses Access to statistical data Disclosure policy Dissemination Integration (grid, data, pricing and promotion)
Ispra, Italy October 27-29, Access Statistical data Thank you for your attention For further information please contact: Erik Sommer: phone