IPPOG-EPPCN-Meeting, , CERN International Masterclasses Uta Bilow
International Masterclasses Key activity of IPPOG Since 2005 2014: 10 th IMC High school students are „scientists for one day“
Concept of IMC Every year in spring High school students (15 – 19) are „scientists for one day“ Get invited to a research institute or university Introductory talks (standard model, detectors, accelerators) 2 h measurement with real LHC data from different exp. International video conference ( 2 – 5 inst. + CERN/Fermilab)
International Masterclasses countries, 160 institutes in 2013 Continous expansion: America, Asia Firenze, Pavia (IT) Warsaw Technical University (PO) Waterford (IE)
Participation Statistics In 2013: students 130 institutes + 30 in U.S. program 37 countries
Organisation Steering Group Coordination Fermilab-based Ken Cecire Project Leader Michael Kobel Coordination CERN-based Uta Bilow WG Video Conf. One person from each measurement Other consultants
Funding and Support Coordination Fermilab-based (KC): QuarkNet CERN-based (UB): CERN (ending 2015) Student assistants: TU Dresden Funding from EPS HEPP Division in kind contributions CERN Collaborations (ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, LHCb) Fermilab NSF and QuarkNet Vidyo team Moderators 160 institutes …
External Communication / Media Press release English/German (incl. section for local activities) Spread via institutes, National responsibles, DESY, interactions.org, … For media coverage see: ress
External Communication / Media Facebook > 1300 likes, few posts Very little time to manage Attracts people more generally interested in HEP
How can EPPCN help? lots of stories to tell: –2014: 10 th International Masterclasses –Worldwide spread –Bringing together e.g. Palestine and Israel in a program –High school students re-discover the Higgs (Nobelprize 2013) –… Coordination with press release … And: Can IMC help EPPCN?