EASY PLAYBACK JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE Jazler Show is a program that lets you load audio files onto buttons for easy playback. You can also create a “Sequence” of many audio files and play them back in order with one click. Jazler Show is designed for managing audio playback. It does not allow you to record or edit individual audio files. For that you will use Audacity.
PALETTE JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE PALETTE The PALETTE is where you create buttons to play back audio files.
PALETTE JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE PALETTE Each button is really a link to an audio file somewhere in the computer.
PALETTE NAME JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE Each PALETTE has a name that is displayed at the top of the screen.
AUDIO FILE BUTTONS JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE AUDIO FILE BUTTON In this screenshot, many buttons have files already assigned to them.
CLICK TO PLAY JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE You can play any audio file in a PALETTE by clicking on its button.
CREATE A BUTTON JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE BLANK BUTTON You can create an audio file button in any of the blank spaces.
RIGHT CLICK JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE To create a button, first RIGHT CLICK your mouse on any blank space.
FILENAME JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE If you know the EXACT filename and location of the file you wish to play, you can type it in the “Filename” box.
FILE SEARCH JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE If you don’t know the exact name, click the “…” (browse) button at the end of the Filename bar.
MP3 OR WAV ONLY JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE The Select Audio File box will open. IMPORTANT: You can assign ONLY MP3 or WAV files to a button.
OPEN AUDIO FILE JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE Find the audio file you want and click OPEN.
EDIT BUTTON MENU JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE In this example, an MP3 file called “puc spot” is loaded into the blank space in the EDIT BUTTON menu. puc spot C:/files/puc spot.mp3 FILENAME 30.0
LENGTH OF FILE JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE The length of the file in seconds and 10ths is also shown. puc spot LENGTH 30.0 C:/files/puc spot.mp3
BUTTON TITLE JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE If you want a different name to appear on the button, you can type it in the “Button Title” box. puc spot 30.0 C:/files/puc spot.mp3
BUTTON COLOR JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE You can change the button color by clicking on the “color” arrow C:/files/puc spot.mp3
DROPDOWN MENU JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE Choose a color from the dropdown palette. puc spot 30.0 puc spot 30.0 C:/files/puc spot.mp3
RECENT COLOR JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE You can also choose a recently used color. puc spot 30.0 puc spot 30.0 C:/files/puc spot.mp3
CLICK OK JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE When finished, click “ok.” puc spot 30.0 puc spot 30.0 C:/files/puc spot.mp3
NEW BUTTON JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE NEW BUTTON Your new button now appears in the Palette. puc spot 30.0
NEW BUTTON JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE You may also add an audio file to any blank space by simply dragging the file to the button. puc spot 30.0
CLICK TO PLAY JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE AN IMPORTANT WORD ABOUT FLASH DRIVES If you want to import an audio file from a flash drive into Jazler, it is important that you first load that file into the computer. Then, link your Jazler button to the file in the computer. Although Jazler will link a file directly from a flash drive, that flash drive must then remain in the computer. If it is removed, Jazler will not be able to search for any file not on the flash drive. REMEMBER, ALWAYS LOAD A FILE FROM A FLASH DRIVE INTO THE COMPUTER FIRST, THEN LINK THAT FILE TO YOUR BUTTON!
NEW BUTTON JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE puc spot 30.0 To play your new file, click on its button.
REPLAY/STOP JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE The audio plays, and the button shows “REPLAY” and “STOP” functions. puc spot :00 puc spot puc spot 30.0
REPLAY/STOP JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE Click “REPLAY” to start it over from the beginning, or “STOP” to stop playback. puc spot :00 puc spot puc spot 30.0
NAME AND TIMER JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE The name of the file and a countdown timer are displayed at the top of the screen. puc spot :00 puc spot puc spot 30.0
SIMULTANEOUS PLAY JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE You can click several buttons to play files simultaneously. puc spot :00 puc spot puc spot jingle surrounded 1.7 charts 07
STOP ALL JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE The “Stop All” button stops all playing audio files. puc spot :00 puc spot puc spot jingle surrounded 1.7 charts 07
SEQUENCE JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE If you have several audio files you wish to play in order, you can create a SEQUENCE. puc spot 30.0
SEQUENCE DECKS JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE SEQUENCE DECK Sequences are created and played back in the Sequence Deck at the left side of the screen. (The one on the right is not used.) puc spot 30.0
COLLECT BUTTON JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE To build a sequence, first click the COLLECT button. This allows you to choose, or “collect” the files you want in the sequence. puc spot 30.0
COLLECT INDICATORS JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE The collect button turns red and the lines between the buttons flash white to indicate that you are in the collect mode. puc spot 30.0 collect
CLICK FILES JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE Click the buttons for the files you want to appear in your sequence. puc spot 30.0 collect
FILES ADDED JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE Each time you click, the chosen file will be added to the Sequence Deck in the order you click them. puc spot 30.0 collect CHARTS 04
FILES ADDED JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE Here we’ve clicked three more files to add them to the sequence. puc spot 30.0 collect CHARTS 04 BED TRAFFIC BED GUITAR CHARTS 07
TURN OFF COLLECT JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE When you’re finished, click the COLLECT button again to turn off the collect function. puc spot 30.0 CHARTS 04 BED TRAFFIC BED GUITAR CHARTS 07
DELETE JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE If you need to delete a file from the sequence, click on the trash can for that file. puc spot 30.0 CHARTS 04 BED TRAFFIC BED GUITAR CHARTS 07 TRASH
SEQUENCE BUTTON JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE The button turns red, but THE SEQUENCE DOES NOT START YET. Pressing this button prepares the deck for playback. puc spot 30.0 CHARTS 04 BED TRAFFIC BED GUITAR CHARTS 07 sequence
CLICK TOP FILE JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE To start the sequence, click on the file at the top of the sequence. puc spot 30.0 CHARTS 04 BED TRAFFIC BED GUITAR CHARTS 07 sequence CLICK HERE
PLAYS IN ORDER JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE Once the sequence has started, it will play all the files in order. puc spot 30.0 CHARTS 04 BED TRAFFIC BED GUITAR CHARTS 07 sequence CLICK HERE
FLASH IN RED JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE The file that is playing will flash red. puc spot 30.0 CHARTS 04 BED TRAFFIC BED GUITAR CHARTS 07 sequence CLICK HERE CHARTS 04
COUNTDOWN JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE A countdown will flash during the last :10 of the sequence. puc spot 30.0 CHARTS 04 BED TRAFFIC BED GUITAR CHARTS 07 sequence CHARTS 04 10
SEQUENCE END JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE When the sequence ends, it gives a warning. puc spot 30.0 CHARTS 04 BED TRAFFIC BED GUITAR CHARTS 07 sequence CHARTS 04 GO!
STOP JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE To stop the sequence before it ends, click either the STOP button on the file that is playing, or the ALL STOP button at the bottom. puc spot 30.0 CHARTS 04 BED TRAFFIC BED GUITAR CHARTS 07 sequence STOP CHARTS 04
DELETE ALL JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE To delete all the files in the sequence, click the TRASH button at the bottom. puc spot 30.0 CHARTS 04 BED TRAFFIC BED GUITAR CHARTS 07 sequence TRASH
CREATE PALETTE JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE You can create your own palette to hold all of your audio files. puc spot 30.0 CHARTS 04 BED TRAFFIC BED GUITAR CHARTS 07 sequence TRASH
CONTROL BUTTON JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE Click on the CONTROL button at the bottom of the screen. puc spot 30.0 CHARTS 04 BED TRAFFIC BED GUITAR CHARTS 07 sequence CONTROL
CONTROL PANEL JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE This brings up the Control Panel screen.
ADD NEW JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE Click ADD NEW and type in the name of your new palette.
READY FOR FILES JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE Your new palette will be displayed. All the buttons are blank and ready for audio files. “new palette name”
EDIT PALETTES JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE Click on the BACK button to close the Control Panel.
RECENT PALETTES JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE Recently used palettes can be accessed by clicking one of the numbered buttons. puc spot 30.0
SEARCH JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE The SEARCH button can find palettes not shown on a numbered button. puc spot 30.0
ADD NEW JAZLER SHOW2 AUTOMATION SOFTWARE GENERAL WPUC SFX There are three palettes already in Jazler. You may use the GENERAL palette to practice with the Jazler program. DO NOT ADD OR DELETE BUTTONS ON THE “WPUC” AND “SFX” PALETTES, AS THESE WILL BE USED FOR CLASS EXERCISES. You are encouraged to create your own palette to use for practicing and creating buttons for your production projects.