Expanded Constituency Workshop (ECW) October 30 - November 1, 2012 Arusha, Tanzania. Ravi Sharma CBD Secretariat.


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Presentation transcript:

Expanded Constituency Workshop (ECW) October 30 - November 1, 2012 Arusha, Tanzania. Ravi Sharma CBD Secretariat

The Financial Mechanism (COP-11 Decision XI/5): Four-Year Outcome-Oriented Framework of Programme Priorities and Review of the Effectiveness of the Financial Mechanism FNA for the GEF-6 period Guidance to the Financial Mechanism Review of Implementation of the Strategy for Resource Mobilization (COP-11 Decision XI/4): Baseline and Target Setting Activities related to the Review and Innovative Financial Mechanisms Roadmap to COP-12 ECW, Arusha, Tanzania Strategy for Resource Mobilization and the Financial Mechanism COP-11, 8-19 October, Hyderabad, India  Emphasis: Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and the Aichi Goals and Targets; The Nagoya and Cartagena Protocols;  Main Topics

GEF-6 FNA Results – Amounts for GEF Trust Fund ECW, Arusha, Tanzania  Amount Required from GEF Trust Fund:  $7- $17 billion at 1:4 average TF to co-financing ratio;  Higher (at 1:2) or Lower (at 1:6): Depends on co-financing level  Need for 3 to 18 fold increase from current level of GEF Trust Fund  Amount Required from GEF Trust Fund:  $7- $17 billion at 1:4 average TF to co-financing ratio;  Higher (at 1:2) or Lower (at 1:6): Depends on co-financing level  Need for 3 to 18 fold increase from current level of GEF Trust Fund

Decision XI-5 : The Financial Mechanism  COP 11-XI-5 on FNA for GEF-6 Replenishment  Urged the GEF to give due consideration to all aspects of the Expert Team’s GEF-6 FNA report;  Requested the ES and GEF to identify the Aichi Targets benefiting from Synergies;  Emphasized :  The Strategic Plan is a very ambitious framework;  Critical Role of the use of Resources from all sources;  Prioritization of Activities based on: A) Consultation with the Convention through its COP B) Four Year Framework of programme priorities.  Transmitted the GEF-6 FNA Report to the GEF  COP 11-XI-5 on FNA for GEF-6 Replenishment  Urged the GEF to give due consideration to all aspects of the Expert Team’s GEF-6 FNA report;  Requested the ES and GEF to identify the Aichi Targets benefiting from Synergies;  Emphasized :  The Strategic Plan is a very ambitious framework;  Critical Role of the use of Resources from all sources;  Prioritization of Activities based on: A) Consultation with the Convention through its COP B) Four Year Framework of programme priorities.  Transmitted the GEF-6 FNA Report to the GEF

Decision XI-5 : The Financial Mechanism (Cont.) Four-Year Framework of Programme Priorities Review of the Effectiveness of the Financial Mechanism – Adopted  Objective: Guidance to GEF as Financial Mechanism  Elements:  Strategic Plan and Aichi Targets; Cartagena and Nagoya Protocols;  Current Sets of Output, Outcome and Indicators..., Monitoring/Tracking tools of the GEF  Additional Strategic Considerations  Flexibility for Parties;  Coherence, Synergies among Programmes, Priorities,... and GEF Focal Areas  Engagement of key Stakeholders, including SCBD in the process of formulating the GEF-6 Strategy for BD focal Area  COP 11- Decision XI-5 called upon GEF  To expedite financial support based on flexible and national demand driven approach  To use existing NBSAPs as basis for needs and priorities for GEF-6;  To clarify the concept of Co-financing for BD projects;  COP 11- Decision XI-5 invited Parties and others to increase their financial contributions  Fourth Review of Effectiveness of the Financial Mechanism (X/27) to be ready for WGRI-5

Decision XI-5 : The Financial Mechanism (Cont.) Other Guidance to the Financial Mechanism  Further support of all sorts, encouragement or funding to these areas of work are encouraged and recommended by COP 11  Global Strategy for Plant Conservation  Marine and Coastal biodiversity  Protected Areas  Invasive Alien Species  Cooperation with International Organizations, Conventions and Initiatives  Nagoya Protocol on ABS and Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety  Monitoring progress in implementation of the Strategic Plan and Aichi Targets  Engagement of other stakeholders  Capacity-building support to Parties

Decision XI-5 : The Financial Mechanism (Cont.) Programme Priorities to support the Nagoya Protocol  COP 11 invited the GEF to support numerous activities during GEF-6 period:  Building capacities of Parties;  Addressing capacity needs and priorities of indigenous and local communities...  Enabling Parties to actively participate in the ABS Clearing House and communication tools for ABS;  Support Parties in raising-awareness on importance of genetic resources...  COP 11 encouraged GEF to facilitate access to Nagoya Protocol Implementation Fund (NPIF) to facilitate entry into force of the Nagoya Protocol...

Decision XI-5 : The Financial Mechanism (Cont.) Guidance to the Financial Mechanism regarding the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Among many other:  Support regional and multi-country thematic capacity building projects..  Allow for more flexibility in use of fund....  Programme priorities (within the Four Year outcome-oriented Framework):  National biosafety framework;  Risk assessment and management;  Handling, transport...  Liability and redress;  Public Awareness... And information sharing...;  Socio-economic considerations...  Mobilization of Additional Resources  Seek funding from diverse sources....  Ensure efficient use of available resources and adopt cost-effective approaches to capacity-building.... Guidance to the Financial Mechanism regarding the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Among many other:  Support regional and multi-country thematic capacity building projects..  Allow for more flexibility in use of fund....  Programme priorities (within the Four Year outcome-oriented Framework):  National biosafety framework;  Risk assessment and management;  Handling, transport...  Liability and redress;  Public Awareness... And information sharing...;  Socio-economic considerations...  Mobilization of Additional Resources  Seek funding from diverse sources....  Ensure efficient use of available resources and adopt cost-effective approaches to capacity-building....

XI/4 Review of Implementation of the Strategy for Resource Mobilization and the Establishment of Targets  Recalling X-3 and Aichi Target 20, COP-11 decided to use:  The Preliminary Reporting Framework and Related Guidance;  The Average Annual Biodiversity Funding as Preliminary Baseline  COP 11 also resolved to achieve preliminary Targets:  Double total biodiversity-related international financial resource flows by 2015 and at least maintain this level until 2020;  By 2015, endeavour 100% or at least 75% of Parties:  Included BD in their national priorities/development plans 5;  Reported BD domestic expenditures;  Provide national financial plan for BD and 30% have assessed the various values of BD;  COP 11 decided to consider at COP 12 modalities and milestones for full operationalization of Target 3 (incentives/subsidies)  COP-12 to establish a transparent process that would encourage and facilitate the efforts of reporting by Developing Countries...

XI/4 Review of Implementation of the Strategy for Resource Mobilization – Innovative Financial Mechanisms (IFM)  Recalling IX/11 and X/3, COP-11, main topics among other:  Decided to Review the Implementation of the Strategy for Resource Mobilization at WGRI-5 including Goals 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8;  Decided to include consideration of resource mobilization for the Nagoya Protocol;  Reiterated that any new Innovative financial mechanisms (IFM) are supplementary to existing ones (not a replacement);  Parties are encouraged to submit their views and lessons on possible risks and benefits of country-specific IFM;  The Executive Secretary will develop the discussion paper for WGRI-5  WGRI-5 will prepare a recommendation for consideration by COP-12

XI/4 Review of Implementation of the Strategy for Resource Mobilization – Roadmap  COP 11 decided:  To Review the Progress of Achievement of Aichi Targets at COP 12 and adopt the Final Target for Resource Mobilization;  To keep under review the Achievement of the Targets at COPs until 2020;  COP 11 requested WGRI-5 to review:  The Preliminary Reporting Framework and Baseline information;  The Role of Collective Actions (indigenous, local communities and non-market based approaches)  Requested the ES to prepare based on information from Parties:  Review on its application, funding needs, gaps and priorities;  Additional Guidance for Parties and An assessment of indicator framework;  Regional, sub-regional workshops on the establishment of robust Baseline, Reporting Framework and Preparation of National Financial Plans for BD  Invited the HLP to provide a more bottom-up approach... and report at COP-12

Thank you - Merci Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity 413 Saint Jacques Street, Suite 800 Montreal, QC, H2Y 1N9, Canada Tel: Fax: !

GEF-6 FNA Target by Target Result Summary

GEF-6 FNA The Stepwise Methodology for the Target by Target Costing

Strategy for Resource Mobilization and the Financial Mechanism COP-11, 8-19 October, Hyderabad, India  Main Topics  The Financial Mechanism (COP-11 Decision XI/5):  Four-Year Outcome-Oriented Framework of Programme Priorities and Review of the Effectiveness of the Financial Mechanism;  Financial Needs Assessment for the GEF-6 period  Guidance to the Financial Mechanism  Review of Implementation of the Strategy for Resource Mobilization (COP-11 Decision XI/4):  Baseline and Target Setting  Activities related to the Review and Innovative Financial Mechanisms  Roadmap to COP-12  Emphasis : Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and the Aichi Goals and Targets; The Nagoya and Cartagena Protocols; ECW, Arusha, Tanzania